Vehicles do have spare tires. Manufacturers provide spare tires
for the vehicles they produce. Why do they provide the spares? Why do vehicles
have spare tires? Manufacturers provide spare tires as a backup to the ones
carrying the vehicle. The vehicles have spare tires to replace tires in use if
they should fail to serve their purpose! A tire in use could burst suddenly.
When that occurs, the burst tire is replaced with the spare tire. It is not
only when a tire bursts that tire is replaced with a spare one. When a tire
wears out it is replaced with a spare one too.
The philosophy of the foregoing analogue is that one must have
something to fall back on in circumstances of emergency. If the story of the
ant should come in handy, we know that ants store up food during summer to be
used during winter when it cannot go out to find food. So the ant gets
something to fall back on during the winter
In formula one racing, there are technical people along the racing
track with spare tires. Why are the technical people there? They are there to
support their drivers. And how do they support their drivers? The technical
people are there for the possible change of a burst tire of the vehicles of
their respective drivers.
Planet Earth is the home for humans. When man came to
self-realization he found himself on planet Earth, as home. Man found too that
there were other objects beyond, and in addition to his home, planet Earth! Man
realized that his home has connections with the other objects that were beyond
his home. Man knew the sun gave his home light during the day, and the moon,
light during the night.
This article traces the origin of the concept of interconnect between man the rest of the universe, spiritual and scientific, due to the inadequacies present time and space provide. Scientifically raising the instrumentalities to actualize travels beyond planet Earth. Efforts being made to actually find a planet that may qualify to be a spare planet. The means to leave planet Earth to explore the rest of the universe for that spare planet, its accessibility and inhabitability for humans as whole.
The idea, or in religion, belief of life beyond planet Earth has
been around since man came to awareness of the self. And the idea has been to
look for a space that is better than that which obtains on planet Earth. The
trend has been to tuck away the present time and space and seek a better time
and space yet future. Please note carefully, spiritually or scientifically,
that that has been the trend, and it is to escape a condition that does not
conduce to compatible human living.
Planet Earth is the home for humans. When man came to
self-realization he found himself on planet Earth as home. Man found too that
there were other objects beyond, and in addition to his home, planet Earth! Man
realized that his home has connections with the other objects that were beyond
his home. Man came to know the sun gave his home light during the day, and the
moon, light during the night etc.
Christians believe in life after death in heaven, or
instantaneously being raptured into heaven on the second coming of Jesus
Christ. It is in this heaven they get a life better than what obtains here on
Earth. Christians do not believe that merely as a concept, they have proof for
that belief. The proof is the ascension of their leader and founder, Jesus
Christ, into the heaven of heavens. An ascension seen with the human naked eyes
of His apostles. Christians believe the heaven of heavens is the residential
and administrative base of God. The self-conscious intelligent constituents of
this heaven are the God species and the angel species (not rebellious angels-
devil and demons). It is from this administrative base that the entirety of the
universe, including relatively tiny planet Earth, is run! This heaven is the
epicenter of the administration and functioning of the entirety of the
universe! Laws of physics, laws of chemistry, energy, inertia, forces etc. are
subjected to this epicenter of universal administration. From day one man has
had a functional spiritual connection and relationship with that epicenter
(heaven). The Christian Bible have grades for heaven in order of ascendancy as
follows: 1) where birds fly 2) where the stars are, and 3) beyond where the
stars are, the dwelling place of God, implying the geographical feasibility of
heaven. The Bible is the source of the Christian belief.
Other religions too have concepts about time and space beyond this
present time and space on planet Earth. The Muslim concept of heaven is Jannah
where life is believed to be better than life here on Earth.
The purpose of this section is to show that the desire of man to have connection and relationship with space outside planet Earth was inbuilt from day one, even if spiritually, long before real attempts at physical planetary exploration.
The idea of interplanetary travel and exploration in the realm of
science fiction is said to originate in ancient literature. There are two
schools of thought about such literature. One school of thought say such
literature is fantasy literature. The other school of thought say it is
precursor to science fiction. An example of science fiction precursor is a 17th
century story by writer Cyrano de Begerac in which he wrote about a journey to
the moon finding an ideal human society free from war, disease and hunger. (The
evolution of science fiction- Antecedent-
The first real connect between science fiction space travel and actual space travel happened. From a Britannica article, under the section Space travel (link provided below), I quote: Flight into outer space is the classic SF theme. Verne’s pioneering De la terre à la lune (1865; From the Earth to the Moon) was the first fiction to treat space travel as a coherent engineering problem—to recognize explicitly that gravity would cease, that there could be no air, and so forth.
( )
Space travel eventually happened in reality in the twentieth
century! The Russians (USSR) started orbiting the moon in unmanned spacecraft
in April, 1966 ( The Americans sent
manned spacecraft into space, and eventually landing man safely on the moon 0n July
20, 1968! Man actually stepped on the moon. When Neil Armstrong stepped on the
moon he said “one small
step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind." (
A giant leap for mankind indeed, after
thousands of years of dreaming man eventually landed on the moon. Cyrano de Begerac
cited under the section of this article, “SCIENCE FICTION” wrote about a
journey to the moon where people were free from war, disease and hunger. Yet
when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon there was nothing like that, it was not even
fit for human habitation!
Further advances were made, and are being made in space travel and
exploration. Today, as I type this article there is a space station in space where
spacecraft can dock. Commercial flights are about to be launched, pilot
projects having been conducted. Billionaires Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos
have made their flights to the edge of space in July, 2021. Fares for flights
are even out.
There are definitely compelling reasons (or rather anxieties) for
man to want to scientifically find a spare planet. As indicated at the
beginning of this article, a spare serves as a backup for that which is in use.
When the one which is in use is damaged beyond repairs, within the
specifications of the warranty, the spare comes in handy. The compelling reason
that drives man to find a planet is the deteriorating state of planet Earth.
That deteriorating state is: polluted soil, polluted waters,
plastically-littered planet, increasingly warming mean surface temperature,
polluted atmosphere, melting ice, rising sea levels, species extinctions,
endangered species, drought, floods,
wildfires, population explosion etc.
Unmanned journeys are being made to planet Mars for example. The
search is on! And the planet closest to planet Earth man has discovered yet has
been christen Kepler-452b, an exoplanet (
According to Wikipedia (
Kepler- 452b is 1400 light years from planet Earth, and to reach Kepler-452b
from planet Earth may take a spacecraft about 26 million years.
I have just given you the accessibility data regarding the planet
(exoplanet) closest to planet Earth. Even if Kepler-452b is the most humanly inhabitable,
can humans be transported from planet Earth over a distance of 1400 light
years, over a period of 26 million years?
Man has from day one, spiritually or scientifically, sought better
time and space beyond the present time and space, realizing that the present time
and space fall short of expectation. Along the line of time man has sought
better planets to escape to from the present home planet, planet Earth.
Scientifically and physically, man is seeking to find a planet, one outside of
planet Earth, to escape to if conditions on planet Earth should be rendered
humanly uninhabitable. But then that planet must be found. Kepler-452b, a planet closest to planet Earth
has been discovered. But then how close is that planet, as spare, for
accessibility, and for inhabitability? Reaching that planet itself, over time
and space as indicated in the preceding section provides a huge inhibition.
Until human accessibility and inhabitability of such spare planet becomes
feasible, humans ought to restore planet Earth regeneratively.
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