In a previous post of mine titled “Climate Change- Faith or Doubt?” I did a little comparative analysis of the positions of believers and doubters. I followed with another post focusing and dilating on the position of believers. When I say believers in climate change, I mean those who believe in UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change championed position of anthropogenic climate change. The ideation of this position is that the activities of man here on Earth which is generating so much carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere is the main cause of the current climate change man is experiencing. The methodology being used to determine that thinking is climate modeling.
In this post I am going to focus and dilate on the position of doubters, as I did with that of the believers.
Before I deal with the position of doubters proper, I should define the realm of the term doubt. The term is derived from terms commonly occurring in climate science. These climate science terms are climate change skepticism or global warming skepticism and climate change denialism or global warming denialism.
Let us take a listen to what has to say: "Climate change skepticism" and "climate change denial" refer to denial, dismissal or unwarranted doubt of the scientific consensus on the rate and extent of global warming, its significance, or its connection to human behavior, in whole or in part.[29][30] Though there is a distinction between skepticism which indicates doubting the truth of an assertion and outright denial of the truth of an assertion, in the public debate phrases such as "climate skepticism" have frequently been used with the same meaning as climate denialism or contrarianism.[31][32]
From the foregoing it can be deduced that there appears to be a distinction between the terms climate skepticism and climate denialism, however in the public debate the terms are being used interchangeably!
A further clarification of skepticism is provided by as follows: One of the looming, dark spots in the sciences was recently brought to light by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), an organization that was founded in 1976 by Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov (among others). The goals of this organization are quite simple. The CSI asserts, “The mission of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry is to promote scientific inquiry, critical investigation, and the use of reason in examining controversial and extraordinary claims.” In essence, they aim to promote healthy skepticism.
The problem? Too many people aren’t skeptical; they are biased and wrong, and they claim that they are “just being skeptical.” Even worse, a number of news sites and science organizations (for one reason or another) refers to science deniers as “skeptics.”
Skepticism is essentially a quest for evidence and proof. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “skeptic” comes from the Latin “scepticus,” which meant “inquiring” and “reflective.” Its original application, by the Greek philosopher Pyrrho, basically encouraged individuals to question their own assumptions because (obviously) our perspectives and assumptions are often biased and one-sided. It’s not that we can’t ever be certain about anything; it’s that this certainty needs to be based on research and evidence; it needs to have its foundation in a conversation that extends beyond our own inner thoughts.
From the foregoing quotation, is saying CSI aims “to promote healthy skepticism”. This, to my mind, implies that there is unhealthy skepticism too! It has been indicated that in the public debate climate skepticism and climate denialism are used interchangeably. Again indicates that some “news sites” and “science organizations” refer to science deniers as skeptics. This shows that even within the media and science organizations climate skepticism and climate denialism are used interchangeably!
For the sake of this post I have given terminologies under the umbrella of doubt, I think it behooves me to give a definition of doubt as exoskeleton of the terminologies. And this definition comes from The Free Dictionary by Farlex (Wikipedia) thus: “Doubt characterises a status in which the mind remains suspended between two contradictory propositions and unable to assent to either of them.[1] Doubt on an emotional level is indecision between belief and disbelief. Doubt involves uncertainty, distrust or lack of sureness of an alleged fact, an action, a motive, or a decision. Doubt questions a notion of a perceived "reality", and may involve delaying or rejecting relevant action out of concerns for mistakes or faults or appropriateness.” 
Using the preceding section as context, and also as backdrop, I am going to use this section to look at some of the various ways in which doubters doubt anthropogenic climate change/global warming. The various ways are:
Carbon dioxide
Solar radiation
One of the ways doubters doubt anthropogenic (manmade) climate change as posited by climate scientists, and spearheaded by the International Panel on Climate Change, under the aegis of United Nations Organization is the method by which it is determined. Climate scientists determine manmade climate change by climate modeling. Portions of the climate, so to speak, is extracted from real time climate and subjected to computer observations and mathematical projections in climate modeling. The beef of doubters is that real time climate is too complex and huge to be subjected to climate modeling for a meaningful determination of the state of the world’s climate. Their point is that climate modeling is inadequate for the job.
What follows is a position of a notable doubter on the matter, Richard Lindzen: ‘In a 2009 editorial in the Wall Street Journal, Lindzen said that the earth was just emerging from the "Little Ice Age" in the 19th century and says that it is "not surprising" to see warming after that. He goes on to state that the IPCC claims were[69]
Based on the weak argument that the current models used by the IPCC couldn't reproduce the warming from about 1978 to 1998 without some forcing, and that the only forcing that they could think of was man. Even this argument assumes that these models adequately deal with natural internal variability—that is, such naturally occurring cycles as El Niño, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, etc.
Yet articles from major modeling centers acknowledged that the failure of these models to anticipate the absence of warming for the past dozen years was due to the failure of these models to account for this natural internal variability. Thus even the basis for the weak IPCC argument for anthropogenic climate change was shown to be false.’ (
It is a consensus of climate scientists that carbon dioxide (manmade), a greenhouse gas, is the main driver of global warming, for that matter climate change. And this is as a result of the unsustainable burning of fossil fuel by man.
Harrison Schmitt, an American geologist, retired NASA astronaut, university professor and former US senator from New Mexico thinks otherwise: He wrote a May 8, 2013 Wall Street Journal opinion column with William Happer, contending that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are not significantly correlated with global warming, attributing the "single-minded demonization of this natural and essential atmospheric gas" to advocates of government control of energy production. Noting a positive relationship between crop resistance to drought and increasing carbon dioxide levels, the authors argued, "Contrary to what some would have us believe, increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will benefit the increasing population on the planet by increasing agricultural productivity."[37](
While climate change believers think it is manmade carbon dioxide that is the main driver of climate change, and solar radiation a minor one, climate change doubters asserts that it is solar radiation that is the main determinant of the temperature of the atmosphere (cold or warm).
A notable doubter, Nicola Scafetta in relates solar activities to the Earth’s climate as a bias for solar activities being the driver of global warming rather than manmade carbon dioxide:  "At least 60% of the warming of the Earth observed since 1970 appears to be induced by natural cycles which are present in the solar system." According to Scafetta, the only reasonable explanation is that the climate system is modulated by astronomical oscillations. Natural cycles known with certainty are the 11 (Schwabe) and 22 (Hale) year solar cycles, the cycles of the planets and luni-solar nodal cycles.  
I have used this post to throw the searchlight on the position of doubters in juxtaposition to the position of believers couched in a previous post of mine as indicated in the opening of this post. I have tried to make plain what doubt is by focusing on the terminologies of climate change denialism or global warming denialism and climate change skepticism or global warming skepticism. Both set of terms are sometimes used interchangeably, and at other times used as terms with different meanings. Within those contexts I have stated some ways and reasons why die hard doubters unflinchingly stick to what they believe in. There is even another group who think the cause of climate change cannot be known. A convergence of understanding ought to be clinched, in the midst of divergence in approach, if the trajectory of the current world climate do not continue to catch earthlings wrong footed. As it is the issues of climate change is controlling earthlings, rather than earthlings controlling the issues of climate change! This does not augur well for a clean and balanced natural environment!      
