Atmospheric CO2 levels have increased by more than 40 percent since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, from about 280 parts per million (ppm) in the 1800s to 400 ppm today. The last time Earth's atmospheric levels of CO2 reached 400 ppm was during the Pliocene Epoch, between 5 million and 3 million years ago, according to the University of California, San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography. (
That is a worrying thing to say, more so when it is a true state of the natural environment. Please note that the statement from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography is saying from 1800s (many use 1850 as the starting point) to now there is a 40% increase in carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, emission into the atmosphere! The statement said also that the last time the Earth’s atmosphere was bombarded with such magnitude of greenhouse gas was between 5 million and 3million years ago! Then, I suppose man was not around. This time round the agency of bombardment is man, the in-charge! An activity associated with the increase or the beginning of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the industrial revolution.   
For the industrial revolution to keep its pace in other to meet the needs of ever growing human population on planet Earth, industries must be fed with hydrocarbons. It is from the burning of hydrocarbons by man to keep the industrial revolution going, to meet their needs that has partly resulted in the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In a compound like carbon dioxide, there are one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen. The increase in carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, means increase in the warming of the surface temperature of planet Earth. In the next two paragraphs tells us how it happens chemically.
“Sunlight enters the atmosphere as ultraviolet and visible light; some of this solar energy is then radiated back toward space as infrared energy, or heat. The atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen, which are both gases made up of molecules containing two atoms. These tightly bound pairs don't absorb much heat.
But the greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane, each have at least three atoms in their molecules. These loosely bound structures are efficient absorbers of the long-wave radiation (also known as heat) bouncing back from the planet's surface. When the molecules in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases re-emit this long-wave radiation back toward Earth's surface, the result is warming.” (
I have indicated that hydrocarbons were used to keep the industrial revolution going. Indeed today they are still needed to sustain our civilization, though there is a slow shift to renewables. Hydrocarbon as the name indicates, is a compound of hydrogen and carbon.
Let me share with you how hydrocarbon has been defined in an October 18, 2018 Francis A. Carey article in “Hydrocarbon, any class of organic chemical compounds composed only of the elements carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). The carbon atoms join together to form the framework of the compound, and the hydrogen atoms attach to them in many different configurations.”
The hydrocarbons are:
Natural Gas
Butane- used in the making of rubber
Propane- used as a fuel (LP gas)
Hexane- used as a solvent
Plastics (made from petrochemicals)
Asphalt (hydrocarbon heated to form tar for roads)
Paraffin (from crude petroleum) - used for candle, preservatives and waterproof coatings)      
The burning of hydrocarbons in particular result in the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The greenhouse gases as indicated trap and release heat of sunlight thus causing global warming. The following are some greenhouse gases and their atomic contents.
CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) - 1 atom of carbon and 2 atoms of oxygen
METHANE (CH4) - 1 atom of carbon and four atoms of hydrogen
NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) – 2 atoms of nitrogen and 1 atom of oxygen
DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE (CCI2F2) – 2 atoms of carbon, 2 atoms of Iodine and 2 atoms of Fluorine
CHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE (CHCIF2) – Carbon, Fluorine, Chlorine, Hydrogen
HEXAFLUOROETHANE (C2F6) – Carbon, Fluorine
SULFUR HEXAFLUORIDE (SF6) – Sulfur, Fluorine (6 fluorine atoms and 1 sulfur atom)
NITROGEN TRIFLUORIDE (NF3) – Nitrogen, Fluorine
OXONE (O3) - Oxygen
WATER VAPOR (H2O (g)) – Hydrogen, Oxygen

Following the list of greenhouse gases I continue with another list of gas emission rates. This list is to complement the previous list in highlighting carbon content.                        
Greenhouse Gas
Share of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Volume
Carbon Dioxide from Fossil Fuels and Agro-Forestry
Nitrous Oxide
Fluorinated Gases
According to Wikipedia ( -introduction): “Carbon is the 15th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, and the fourth most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen, helium and oxygen.” Further, it says: “Carbon’s abundance, its unique diversity of organic compounds, and its unusual ability to form polymers at the temperatures commonly encountered on Earth enables this element to serve as a common element of all known life.”
Yet still another statement from the same source of Wikipedia: “Carbon forms a vast number of compounds, more than any other element, with almost ten million compounds described to date,[21] and yet that number is but a fraction of the number of theoretically possible compounds under standard conditions. For this reason, carbon has often been referred to as the "king of the elements"”.
Have you ever heard of the term “carbon footprint”? It is the yardstick for measuring greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere and therefrom global warming, as a result of human activities here on planet Earth. It is the amount of greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere by an individual or a body corporate through their activities. It is particularly used in measuring carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere. Not all greenhouse gases contain the element carbon, yet the term carbon footprint, containing the word carbon as an element is used to cover all of them! Carbon footprint, by etymology is a Y2K era phrase. It is a twenty-first century term. The emission of other greenhouse gases apart from carbon dioxide are measured in the equivalence of carbon dioxide, making carbon dioxide the standard gas by which greenhouse gases are measured.
Carbon footprint is generated through human activities; from the extraction, processing, manufacturing, production, usage and disposal of materials of the natural environment, required for the sustenance of human life. It may be a greenhouse gas emitted by an individual. It may be a greenhouse gas emitted by an institution. It may be a greenhouse gas emitted by an industry. It may be a greenhouse gas emitted by the consumption of a product.
By this post it is being reiterated that carbon though the 15th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, it has an extraordinary ability to couple up with other elements to form more compounds than any other element. If you take hydrocarbon, a sine quo non for our civilization, even today, for example, it is a compound made up of hydrogen and carbon as indicated. The compound carbon dioxide, a leading greenhouse gas, is made up of the elements carbon and oxygen. Another leading greenhouse gas methane, comprises 1 atom of carbon and 4 atoms of hydrogen. Of the 11 greenhouse gases I have listed in this post, 6 of them contain carbon. The emission list of highest emissions I have provided in this post puts carbon dioxide and methane as the top two, with carbon dioxide as by far the highest emission. Both carbon dioxide and methane contain carbon.
From the foregoing it clear that carbon has its finger in many compounds of the natural environment due to its extraordinary innate ability, if you like, to synergize with other elements like none other. That we cannot prevent from happening. It is by the predominant presence of carbon by copulating with other elements to form compounds, not an element in itself, that make carbon such a predominant element in the natural environment, and by the careless usage of resources of the natural environment by man, greenhouse gases.

We cannot stop carbon from making compounds with other elements, as there is nothing wrong with that, but we can and must apply natural resources of the natural environment in ways as to reduce our carbon footprint in a sustainable manner for a cool Earth that should engender coherent, symbiotic and comfortable living for its inmates.             
