This paper is situate within the context of an interrogation of the naturalness of volcano. Naturalness in the sense that the occurrence of a volcano involves natural dynamics and materials only, without the involvement of man. The working definition of nature for this post contrasts nature with that which is manmade. From evolution perspective, the past five mass extinctions were characterized and caused solely by natural disasters including volcanic eruptions. Apparently the volcanic eruptions were caused solely by natural factors because man was not around then. Apologists of mass extinctions themselves agree that the ongoing mass extinction, which is the sixth mass extinction or Holocene, is driven by man. However, such disasters are still described as natural disasters. So, between man and nature, is nature on a course of self-destruct or is it man who is causing the natural disasters like volcanos, as it is occurring in Hawaii now (and continuously active since 1983)?      
Hawaii as the 50th state of the United States of America has been experiencing volcanic eruptions through May, June and July, 2018 continuously- specifically the Big Island. The state of Hawaii itself is formed and shaped by the activities of volcano, according to geologists. This paper is therefore using the state of Hawaii, placed in the Ring of Fire, as an example, to interrogate the widely held idea that volcano is a naturally occurring disaster. The Ring of Fire, located in the Pacific Ocean, is where most of the Earth’s earthquakes take place.
The paper defines volcano, and goes on to analyze and examine the definition, main component by main component, to attempt to make clear the process and dynamics of the phenomenon of volcano. This post looks at volcano as the effect of a cause. And in identifying the cause one should know whether it is of natural origin or otherwise. The post looks at main components like magma, earthquake, fault lines and plate tectonics.
The fault lines crisscross the crust of planet Earth in their millions. These fault lines are pathways for volcanic eruptions. Many of the fantastic highrise cities you see around the world are built on fault lines, making the architectural foundation of our civilization very vulnerable.
Before science became the spearhead of the quest into the mysteries of nature, the ancients had their way of containing these mysteries. Science deals with the processes of effect, while the ancients try to deal with the substance of the cause. While the ancient would say right away that a volcano is a punishment for the breaking of a law of nature or even a spiritual law by man, science will refer to certain strains, stresses and pressures in the womb of planet Earth leading to a volcano. Attributing cause to activities of man jolts man to relook at their activities. However, in our time of global warming and climate change, scientific linkage between “natural” disasters like volcano to the activities of man is gaining prominence and critical importance; something the ancients knew long ago!  
The causes of the disasters have been examined through the eyes of science, religion, myth, evolution, and legend etc. to as much as possible cover all angles. The examination points to worrying causes other than things natural- manmade activities and their linkage to the so called natural disasters, including volcano! Worrying as the causes are, at least the time- tested principle of destruction and rebirth may give man hope of a promising future!  
Hawaii is the newest and 50th state of the United States of America. Hawaii was integrated into the United States statehood on August 21, 1959. The capital of Hawaii is Honolulu. Of all the states of the United States, Hawaii is the only island archipelago, in its entirety. Hawaii State is located in the central Pacific Ocean, southeast of Japan, specifically Polynesia.
Hawaii State is made up of eight main islands. The islands are the tops of a chain of submerged volcanic mountains. The names of the eight main islands are Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Niihau and Kahoolawe. Hawaii, also known as Big Island, is the recently formed of the Hawaii’s islands, and therefore still volcanically active. Kilauea is one of the active volcanoes. The Big Island is formed from five volcanoes. The five volcanoes are Kohala (dormant), Mauna Kea (dormant), Hualālai (active), Mauna Loa (active) and Kilauea (active).
The Hilina Slump, is one of the landslides in Hawaii, on the south slope of Kilauea. The Hilina Slump is slipping from Kilauea Volcano. According to Wikipedia, GPS measurements between 1990 and 1993 showed a slipping of four inches per year.
May, 2018 was characterized by earthquakes in Hawaii Island (Big Island). On May 3 a volcano erupted after a 5.0 earthquake leading to the evacuation of some places- Leilala Estates and Lanipuna Gardens. Because of the volcano eruptions the evacuated places became uninhabitable. On the following day, May 4 it suffered a 5.3 and 6.9 earthquakes again.
Earthquakes precede volcanoes. Wherever there has been an earthquake, with or without volcano, affected places become uninhabitable based on the severity and spatial extent of the earthquake, hence the evacuation of the Leilala Estates and Lanipuna Gardens.
Hawaii as the 50th state of the United States of America, is a state and island archipelago molded, shaped and formed by volcanoes, with the process ongoing. A conjecture, therefore, is that Hawaii State could lose or gain above sea-level landmass. I am using Hawaii State more or less as an example because of the May 2018, or rather the current volcano attacks it has been experiencing, as volcano activities is ongoing, and to question the concept that volcano is a naturally occurring disaster.
National Geographic defines volcano as: “an opening in the Earth’s crust that allows molten rock from beneath the crust to reach the surface. This molten rock is called magna when it is beneath the surface and lava when it erupts or flows from a volcano. Along with lava volcanoes also release gases, ash, and rock. It’s a super hot mix that can be both incredibly destructive and creative”.
Wikipedia defines volcano as: a rupture in the crust of a planetary-mass object, such as Earth, that allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from a magna chamber below the surface.
From the definitions one can notice two key phrases. The two key phrases are “opening in the Earth’s crust” and “a rupture in the crust of a planetary-mass object, such as Earth”. Sometimes opening and rupture are interchangeably described as fissure, crack or break. The break must occur in the crust of planet Earth. We must concern ourselves with planet Earth because it is our residence, and, perhaps volcano is forewarning that our tenancy is up! Why? Perhaps we are not living up to the tenancy agreement!
I was implying that volcano is characterized by a break in the crust of planet Earth followed by outflow of molten rock. The crust of planet Earth is one main part of the planet. The other two main parts are the mantle and the core. The crust is the outer hard part of planet Earth where earthlings stand on, walk on, and run over. After the crust comes the mantle. After the mantle, at the center of the Earth is the core- very hot core. The core has two parts- the inner core and the outer core. The inner core is at the very center of the planet we call home. The parts of planet Earth may be liken to avocado fruit. The fruit has three main parts too. The outer part is called skin (exocarp). After the skin comes the flesh (mesocarp). Then at the center is the seed.  
Why should Earth experience volcanoes? When volcano occurs it upsets the natural environment. When volcano occurs it makes the Earth uninhabitable. Hawaii though a volcano (island), when the May volcanic eruptions occurred people in Leilala Estates and Lanipuna Gardens were asked to evacuate. It is not only Hawaii that experiences volcanic eruptions, they are happening in other parts of the world as well. Should a destructive thing such as volcano be natural? Should volcano which rattles planet Earth rendering it uninhabitable, depending on extent of rattle, be a natural phenomenon?
One cannot talk about volcano without referring to a key theory called plate tectonics. The following is what Encyclopædia Britannica has to say about plate tectonics: “…..theory dealing with the dynamics of Earth’s outer shell- the lithosphere- which revolutionized Earth Sciences by providing a uniform context for understanding mountain-building processes, volcanoes and earthquakes as well as the evolution of the Earth’s surface and reconstructing its past continents and oceans”.  
The crust and the upper part of the mantle, together form the lithosphere. The plate tectonics theory says the lithosphere is about 60 miles (100 km) thick and overlies a partially molten layer called asthenosphere (lower part of the mantle). According the theory the lithosphere is divided into seven large continental- and ocean-sized plates, about seven medium sized regional plates, and several other small plates.  The plates, says the theory, move in relation to each other, normally at 2 to 4 inches (5- 10 cm.) yearly. As the plates move interactions take place along the boundaries, the interactions may be convergence (collide/override), divergence (move apart) or a slip past each other (transform). By the way some refer to the plates as slabs. The theory goes on to say that it is thought these interactions are responsible for Earth’s seismic and volcanic activities, though earthquakes and volcanoes are capable of occurring inside plates.   As indicated, for volcano to take place there must be a break in the crust of the Earth for magma to flow through to the surface. I will say more on magma in due course.
The convergence of plates can cause mountains to rise. The divergence of plates can cause continents to crack and oceans form. Plates are in constant motion as they slide on the lower mantle. The following is a table of the major plates of planet Earth:
Pacific Plate
Pacific Ocean
Where Ring of Fire
Is located
Hawaii sits in the
middle of the
North American Plate
North America and Iceland
Formation of Mid-
Atlantic Ridge
under the Atlantic
Eurasian Plate
Europe and Asia
Mountains formed as a result of collision
between Eurasian
Plate and the
Indian Plate
African Plate
Africa, Indian and Atlantic
Oceans and Sicily (Italy)
Plate separating
at the Rift Valley
(Red Sea to Kenya)
Antarctic Plate
Entire continent of
Antarctica and nearby
Indo-Australian Plate
India and Australia
Plate formed out
of merger of India
and Australia
South American Plate
South America and
surrounding Atlantic
Plate activities
contribute to the
heightening of the
Andes Mountains

This theory of plate tectonics has been generally accepted as a revolutionary theory, overriding the concept of continental drift and the concept of seafloor spreading. Human scientific knowledge is yet typically tentative, dependent on research, new technologies and methodologies. It is a matter of time, as it has always been, before we get a better insight of these matters. 
In the previous section I indicated that plates have boundaries which are cracks in the Earth’s crust. So, for example each continental plate has boundaries. But, plate boundaries are not the only cracks in the crust of planet Earth. There is another kind of crack called fault line. It is said that all plate boundaries are fault lines, but not all fault lines are plate boundaries. There are intraplate fault lines. If you add the fault lines to plate boundaries then you should begin to imagine what a fractured planet you and I call home! A fault line could be as long as 5000 kilometers! Fault lines also provide pathways for magma. The following are some (just tip of iceberg) fault lines in the crust of the Earth:
LENGTH (Kilometer)
Aedipsos- Kandili Fault
North Euboean Gulf, Greece
Alaska- Aleutian Megathrust
Kamchatka, Russia to Gulf of
Alaska (Europe/North America/
Alpine Fault
South Island, New Zealand
Atacama Fault
Atacama Desert, Chile (South
Azores- Gibraltar Transform
Azores to Strait of Gibraltar
Central African Shear Zone
Central Africa (Africa)
Chile Subduction Zone
West Coast of Chile (South
San Andreas Fault System
California, USA (North America)
Sunda Subduction
South East Asia (Asia)
Septentrional- Orient Fault
Caribbean (North America)

This is what Bruce A. Bolt, Professor Emeritus of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, has to say about Earthquake: Earthquake, any sudden shaking of the ground caused by the passage of seismic waves through Earth’s rocks. Seismic waves are produced when some form of energy stored in Earth’s crust is suddenly released, usually when masses of rock straining against one another suddenly fracture and slip. Earthquakes occur most often along geologic faults, narrow zones where rock masses move in relation to one another. The major fault lines of the world are located at the fringes of the huge tectonic plates that make up Earth’s crust”.  
According to Professor Bolt seismic wave is produced when “some form of energy stored in the Earth’s crust is suddenly released…” The use of the word “some” in connection with the form of energy under reference tells me the form of energy is not known for sure. Apart from earthquakes, seismic waves occur during volcanic eruptions, magma movement, large landslides and large manmade explosions. Many a time earthquakes pave the way for volcanoes to occur.
Out of magma comes lava. Magma, as indicated, is located in the lithosphere of planet Earth. When magma appears on the surface of the crust through a break in the crust, as a red hot, sometimes, explosive stuff. The red hot magma becomes lava. It is out of this phenomenon that the American State of Hawaii was formed and shaped. Even as I type this paper one of the active volcanoes of the island of Hawaii I have referred to earlier, Kilauea volcano, is spewing out lava, and for a while now. Magma is molten rock formed out of rock in the lithosphere (originates in the upper mantle). In this same lithosphere are plates (tectonics). In referring to magma as molten rock, I mean it is rock that has melted into liquid by heating.
Let me get a little technical, with a National Geographic Encyclopedic definition of magna, slightly paraphrased, as follows:
Magma is a molten and semi-molten rock mixture found under the surface of the Earth. This mixture is usually made up of four parts:
A hot liquid base called melt;
Minerals crystallized by the melt;
Solid rocks incorporated into the melt by surrounding confines;
And dissolved gasses.
How is magna which turns into lava formed? So far we know that magna is rock from the mantle of the Earth liquefied. The rock liquefies under pressure and temperature. Differences in temperature, pressure and structural features in the crust and mantle of the Earth cause magma to form. The Earth’s mantle move upwards to areas of lower pressure by transfer of heat to melt rock in the mantle to form magma. Magma can be as hot as between 700⁰ and 1300⁰ Celsius (1292⁰ and 2372⁰ Fahrenheit) according to This magma so formed can escape through an extrusion, that is, a rise through the crust of the Earth to form lava. When lava solidifies it becomes igneous rock. But lava is a destructive force, as is happening in Hawaii Island currently. Magma has chambers in the Earth’s mantle where magma is stored.
I mentioned the term extrusion in the foregoing paragraph, I should like to give a geological science definition extracted from here so as to get a clearer picture of how magna leaves the belly of the Earth and end up on its surface. In the free dictionary extrusion is defined as “the movement of magma onto the surface of the earth through volcano craters and cracks in the earth’s crust, forming igneous rock”. Fault lines are cracks. Plate boundaries are cracks. Those are the pathways by which Gaia (planet Earth) pukes magma onto its surface. 
I have given definitions for volcano, and followed it with its analysis, taking it by main components. I have taken this direction so as to share with you the role each component plays in the process and eruption of volcano, and more importantly to facilitate the interrogation of volcano as a natural occurrence. For a volcano to occur the crust of the Earth must break. For the crust of the Earth to break, slabs in the lithosphere (crust and upper mantle) must move, and based on the type of movement that occurs, there should be a break in the crust of the Earth. Remember I have indicated that there are three types of slab movements. The breaks or cracks that occur due to movements of slabs (plate tectonics) become the pathways for magna to flow out of the belly (mantle) of the Earth to the surface of the crust of the Earth to form igneous rock (basalt). These cracks crisscross this rock (Earth) you and I, as humans, float on!
You may be wondering how Earth scientists get to know what is going on inside the belly of the Earth and the resultant manifestations on the surface of the Earth. In some ways they use that which is manifested to determine that which is hidden, in that man cannot physically reach the belly of the Earth. Earth scientists get the inside information through observations of the shape and features of the surface the Earth, observations of underwater floors, observations of rock brought to the surface by volcanoes, analysis of seismic waves, simulations etc.
In the next section is a table of some cities of the planet built on the cracks crisscrossing the crust of the Earth. Earthquakes for that matter volcanoes typically occur along the cracks that crisscross the crust of our planet. The significance of the table is to show you how endangered our habitat may be!
In putting this section together, I had no idea of the number of fault lines that crisscross planet Earth. But, I had to know it. Through research ( ) I found out that nobody knows for sure the number of fault lines we have sited our civilization on! However, what is known for sure is that fault lines run into millions, crisscrossing the crust of the Earth! Yet, there are fault lines that are discovered only when there is a break. The fault lines occur when rocks break in response to stress and dynamics within them. So there are many fault lines through which magma could potentially escape to the surface of the crust. What if there was a simultaneous ejection of magma through them? In view of what I have said the list that follows should in deed be the tip of the iceberg:  
San Francisco,
Saint Andreas Fault

United States of
North America
Tachikawa Fault
Tokai Fault Line
Japan Medium
Fault Line
Pacific tectonic

North Anatolian
North American
Pacific Plate
Juan de Fuca Plate

United States of
North America
Marikina Valley
Fault System
Tehran Fault
Rey Fault
Mosha Fault
Los Angeles,
Newport-Inglewood Fault
Hollywood Fault
Whittier Fault
United States of America
North America
Uemachi Fault
Uemachi Fault
Nagai Fault
More than 10 fault
lines run under city,
according to
geologist Lambok

Volcano like earthquake, flood, storm, drought etc. is normally regarded as a natural disaster. However, there are activities outside of nature which lead or contribute to those so called natural disasters. These activities are triggered by, and therefore, attributable to man. The argument has been divisive, even among cutting edge scientists in this area of research, whether such disasters are caused by the forces within nature or whether they are externally triggered by man.
Let me give a definition of the term nature so as to give a clearer insight into the issue, and to define its context. The definition is a definition from It defines nature thus: Nature is all the animals, plants and other things in the world that are not made by people, and all the events and processes that are not caused by people.
So, is it nature that is destroying itself, or is it man that is destroying nature? 
Against the foregoing backdrop I am picking thoughts from some scientists from an article written by Professor Emeritus Bill McGuire, Geophysical and Climate Hazards, UCL. The article dated October 16, 2016 appeared in the Guardian. The article was headed: “How climate change triggers earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes”.
Two such pickings follow:
“Volcanologist Hugh Tuffen, of Lancaster University, is worried about the stability of the more than 10% of active volcanoes that are ice-covered. He says that “climate change is driving rapid melting of ice on many volcanoes worldwide, triggering unloading as ice is removed. As well as encouraging magma to rise to the surface, leading to increased volcanic activity, removal of ice can also destabilise steep volcano flanks, making hazardous landslides more likely.””
“Freysteinn Sigmundsson of the Nordic Volcanological Centre observes that the centre of Iceland is now rising by more than three centimetres a year in response to shrinking glaciers. Studies undertaken by Sigmundsson and his colleagues forecast that the reduced pressures that result will lead to the formation of significant volumes of new magma deep under Iceland.”
Professor Emeritus Bill McGuire gave the following bottom line to his article: “The bottom line in all of this is that as climate change tightens its grip, we should certainly contemplate more and bigger Hurricane Matthews. However, when it comes to the manifold hazardous by-blows of an overheating planet, and especially those involving the ground we stand on, we must also be prepared to expect the unexpected.”
You may be asking yourself how you are connected, causatively, to a so called natural disaster like volcano. Let me ask you the following questions as a way of determining how you are connected to such a disaster. Do you drive a car? Do you take taxis? Do you use coal-generated power? Do you use a refrigerator that is not energy efficient? Do you cut trees to use as firewood? Do you use gas in cooking?
These are some of the practical activities of man which generate the greenhouse gases that are trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere. The trapped greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are the cause of the overheated, and overheating Earth. The overheating (global warming) is bringing about changes in climate (climate change), with accompanying so called natural disasters. This is how you and I are contributing to the incidence of a volcano, for example, which should be a manmade disaster! It is man’s violation of law- laws of nature! There are also fracking, underground blasts and use of chemicals in mining.
The following are some of the heat-causing greenhouse gases man emits into the atmosphere by their activities:
Carbon dioxide
Nitrous oxide
Sulfur hexafluoride
What about times of old when volcanoes were occurring, were they natural?  What about times when there was no manmade global warming to cause so called natural disasters? In those days people generally attribute natural disasters, including volcanoes, to supernatural forces (gods or God). A volcano may be viewed as the effect of a fight between the gods. In other instances natural disasters are viewed as punishment from God for infraction of laws (laws of nature or even spiritual laws, or both). The emergence and maintenance of science as the vanguard of human civilization and the explanation of natural disasters through it has not toppled such beliefs though.
Geologist Patrick Nunn, a professor of the University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia had this to say about ancient beliefs (
 “After 30 years of research in the geosciences I believe that the analysis of myths is hugely important,” Nunn says. “It can help bridge the gap between geological theory and human history and lead to scientific insights.”
There is this story about Atlantis. The story was written by Plato in 395 BC. Plato was a Greek (Athenian) Philosopher, his life spanning 427 B.C. to 347 B.C. According to the story Atlantis was a prosperous kingdom. The kingdom at the height of her prosperity was wiped off the face of the Earth, sinking into the ocean completely. The gods were so angry with the people of the kingdom because of their moral decadence. The agency through which the kingdom was wiped off the face of the Earth was fire and earthquakes (looks like volcanoes).  Please note the connection between the moral (spiritual) offence and physical punishment!  
The Atlantis story has astonishingly generated controversy to date. There are those who believe the story is a myth, and there are those who believe the story is real. An incident that is similar to the Atlantis story was a volcanic eruption of the island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea near Greece nearly 3600 years ago.
Several studies support the theory that the volcanic disaster of Plato's story of Atlantis relates to the Santorini eruption. “And once archeologists began to dig on Santorini they looked to the legend as a form of validation of what they were finding,” says John Dvorak, a geoscientist at the University of Hawaii, US- 
In Hawaii, whose morphology is ongoing due to activity of volcanoes as indicated, there are stories about volcanoes too. The most outstanding one is about the godess called Pele. And in Hawaii it was a fight between goddesses (sisters) that caused volcanic eruptions. It was a romance gone sour. Pele is widely recognized as the goddess of volcano and fire, in Hawaii (Big Island). She had a fight with her sister (Hi’iaka) over a man (Lohi’au). As a result of that fight Pele spewed fire to burn a forest that was dear to the heart of her sister. The sister as a retaliation, dug up rocks into the air. There are many versions of the Pele story, but the substance of the stories is a fight between sisters over a man, generating and resulting in the spewing of lava and rocks (volcano). To date, when there is a volcano in Hawaii as is happening now (April, May, June and July, 2018), it is assumed the gods (or rather goddesses) are angry.   
Modern interpretation of that story is that the fire spewed by Pele and the retaliatory rocks dug by her sister constitute a volcano spewing lava and rocks! And it is tied to a real volcanic event that occurred some time ago.
Today, in Hawaii, some are of the opinion that volcanic eruption is a punishment from the gods, in spite of advancement made in science.  
Let us continue with the Bible, in the bible let us go to Genesis chapter 6 verses 5-6 (King James Version): “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart”
But God did not stop there. What did He do then? The answer is in Genesis chapter 6 verse 7: “And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.”
How did God destroy that which He has created? How God did it could be found in Genesis chapter 6 verse 17 thus: “And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.’
God was in conversation with Noah through whom He preserved humanity to date! God preserved humanity as such from flood. Here, again, it is made clear that the disaster is the effect of a cause! The cause being the breaking of law of God by man, and the effect being the so called natural disaster- flood (volcano, storm etc.) administered by God for the breakage!
Those stories, call them myths, legends or religion, they are more real than you think! Even scientists, and modern ones at that, recognize it is weightier than previously regarded, as hinted in this post. Science has hitherto looked down upon them, but the need for a two-prong approach to the fate of mankind, given the current circumstance of planet Earth, is being made manifest. 
In the next section I am going to paint a picture of the effect of the cause of negligence of the laws that keep nature in equilibrium through the eyes of evolution. Negligence by man, of course. In other words the state of decadence of the natural environment, on the watch of man! Can the natural environment be said to be clean and balanced?
The sixth mass extinction shows the impact of human activity in the extinction of species in the natural environment, and thus evolution dimension to the activities of man in impacting the natural environment negatively, resulting directly or indirectly or both to volcanic eruptions. It gives a hint of the scope of the activities of man driving the sixth extinction. Extinction of species does impact negatively the equilibrium of the natural environment.
A sixth mass extinction presupposes past five mass extinctions. Indeed there were five pass extinctions by evolution reckoning. The five passed extinctions are:
A severe ice age wiping out 60-70% of all species, then ocean dwellers.
A climate change event eradicating 70% of species including almost all corals
More than 95% of species died, and attributed to volcanic eruptions in Siberia, causing global warming
Three quarters of species lost due to suspected volcanic eruptions
A giant asteroid impacting Mexico, after volcanic eruptions in now India, put paid to dinosaurs and ammonites, giving advantage to mammals and eventually humans
A mass extinction is, and that which follows is a definition: The extinction of a large number of species within a relatively short period of geological time, thought to be due to factors such as a catastrophic global event or widespread environmental change that occurs too rapidly for most species to adapt.
Have you noticed a common trend running through the past five extinctions? What I have noticed is that the past five mass extinctions were caused by catastrophic events changing the chemistry of the environment, without an intelligent force behind it! However, with the sixth mass extinction (Holocene extinction), the activities of intelligent human beings are behind the catastrophic events that are immediately bringing about the ongoing sixth mass extinction. When man, a living thing of superior intelligence, came onto the scene, they also could not but succumb to causation of a mass extinction- the ongoing sixth mass extinction!
The logical question I ask is: What is it with planet Earth that it continues to suffer these mass extinctions, and when will it stop for planet Earth to come into its own? A planet Earth teeming with activities, in a permanent equilibrium.  
If mass extinction is the lot of planet Earth then it stands to reason that planet Earth is a death trap, machine and chamber for species! If mass extinction is the lot of planet Earth then planet Earth is not stable! If mass extinction is the lot of planet Earth then planet Earth is like a chronically unstable child who throws tantrum every now and then, without a promising future. Therefrom, if mass extinction is the lot of planet Earth then planet Earth has no future!   
You know what? Personally, I am inclined to think that the past five mass extinctions are characteristics of, and may have been deduced from the decadence of the angel civilization which preceded the ongoing human civilization! More of that later. But for now more on the ongoing mass extinction.     
The Guardian in an article dated 10th July, 2017, and headed Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction Event Underway, Scientists warned, shed light on the issue (ongoing extinction). 
“Scientists analysed both common and rare species and found billions of regional or local populations have been lost. They blame human overpopulation and overconsumption for the crisis and warn that it threatens the survival of human civilisation, with just a short window of time in which to act.”    
The statement was extracted from a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (
The study describes the loss or losses as “biological annihilation” and “frightening assault on human civilization”.
This is not coming from doomsday prophets! It is coming from scientists, not ordinary scientists, cutting edge scientists!
“The scientists found billions of populations of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians have been lost all over the planet, leading them to say a sixth mass extinction has already progressed further than was thought.”
The scientists conclude thus: “The resulting biological annihilation obviously will have serious ecological, economic and social consequences. Humanity will eventually pay a very high price for the decimation of the only assemblage of life that we know of in the universe.”
The statement attributes pointedly, “the decimation of the only assemblage of life that we know of in the universe” to man.  
I have been writing about the current state of the natural environment in my posts. The posts point to the fact that we, as humans, are not doing well in managing the natural environment. From the angle of evolution, apologists of the 6th Extinction idea think the 6th Extinction is under way, and it is being driven by the activities of man. Man has come to that realization, an insightful realization that links those human activities to the so called natural disasters such as volcano, and therefore new attitudes are setting in. Corrective attitudes. However are they timeous enough?
Is man doing enough to reverse the destructive trends? It is a matter of equilibrium. In some of my posts I have been espousing perhaps a philosophy. I have been saying that we must put back into the natural environment what we take out of it so as to sustain the equilibrium the natural environment requires of us.
The so called natural disasters that are battering planet Earth, for that matter the natural environment, continue to create imbalance in the equilibrium required to sustain a clean and balanced natural environment. When the equilibrium of the natural environment is tampered with, life is tampered with- all life forms!
I, personally, view planet Earth as a planet comprising of individual units put together to form one whole planet. A whole planet of interactive, interdependent and integrated units intended to be sustained through those chemistries. I normally compare it to the human body. Being made of many units (parts), and integrated into one whole, if you stick a pin in the thumb the whole body fills the pain. There should be an upset in equilibrium, even if momentarily.  
The following is a list of 5 biggest volcanic eruptions and their devastating effects on the natural environment (
One of Indonesia’s more than 100 volcanoes
It had eruptions in 1815
Caused disease and harmed the growth of crops in surrounding regions
Caused climate changes as far as North America
Caused the deaths of over 90,000 people
Another of Indonesia’s volcanoes
Erupted in 1883
Killed over 35,000 people
Resulted in series of extremely violent explosions, the biggest being heard more than 2000 miles away in Australia
Located on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean
The eruption considered to be the worst in the 20th century occurred in 1902
It killed about 30,000 people
Located in Colombia, South America
Had two destructive eruptions in 1985
Spewed a mixture of mud, ash and water through river channels
Nearly totally buried a town 30 miles away killing about 25,000 people
Located in Italy
In AD 79 the volcano utterly ruined nearby towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum
It is thought that the lives of thousands of people were claimed by the volcano
Erupted several times in 1944
At the bottom of the list is a note I should like to share with you as follows:
“In the state of Wyoming in America there’s what’s known as ‘supervolcano’ in Yellowstone National park.
It’s last thought to have erupted about 600,000 to 700,000 years ago and some scientists think there may be another eruption there to come.
If it were to ever erupt again it could claim up to a billion lives and devastate continents”
Compare the last sentence of the note to a rhetorical question in this post I posed under the section CITIES BUILT ON FAULT LINES. The rhetorical question is: “What if there was a simultaneous ejection of magna through them?” The word “them” in the rhetorical question refers to the fault lines, pathways for magma ejections. The significance here is that the issue moves from the realm of figment to the realm of possibility!
The so call natural disasters, which to my mind is manmade disasters, are part and parcel of the human civilization. In so far as man remains man, we should continue to experience volcanoes. Human nature is connected to the disasters. To eliminate the so call natural disasters, there is the prerequisite of fixing the human nature!
The issue has been whether volcanoes as is occurring in Hawaii for example is a natural disaster? Volcanoes make the places they occur in uninhabitable, as is obvious in the Hawaii volcanoes. Places like the Leila Estates were evacuated. Volcanoes are not palatable so man is ever examining them. Ironically man generally tends to think volcanoes are natural disasters! So far volcanoes for that matter other so called natural disasters have not occurred on a scale as to deprive life forms the inhabitation of planet Earth- simultaneously. Have you ever attributed the systematic, steady and continuing loss of species to the so called natural disasters (including volcanoes) as causative factors, leading to breach in the equilibrium of the natural environment?
However one looks at it, from the perspectives of science, religion, legend, myth, evolution, commonsense etc. the natural environment is undergoing a change, and not for good, never before recorded in human civilization!   These perspectives lead to a common ground of Anthropocene to a large extent. In plain language the so called natural disasters are triggered by the activities of man. Plainer still, these disasters are manmade disasters, in that they are triggered by the activities of man. Global warming is one manmade phenomenon that is bringing about a chain of critical so called natural disasters. There are doubters though, who believe ongoing changes in climate are natural cyclical events. Go out there and check the way water bodies are being polluted, and by man, many to their death, and tell me they are natural and cyclical occurrences.
Angels were given the opportunity to run planet Earth, however they blew that opportunity. That led to the restructuring of planet Earth, and opportunity given to man to run it. Man like angels, is blowing that opportunity through and by the very activities I am discussing in this post!
So one can say there was the angel civilization, and now the human civilization. The angel civilization landed planet Earth in a disaster that led to an intervention of its restructuring. Planet Earth was restructured and placed under the management of man, and still is under the management (or rather mismanagement) of man. Where is man’s mismanagement leading us to? 6th Extinction? Some say the sixth extinction is underway, yet others say we are on the verge of the sixth extinction. The answer to the question is No, a third and ultimate civilization! The human and second civilization is evolving into a third and ultimate civilization, right now! The human and second civilization is in the throes of giving birth to the third and ultimate civilization! Out of frail and failed humans will be raised a Species to run the third and ultimate civilization. Yet that Species will not be comprised of human beings! Planet Earth, the most sophisticated, the most developed, the most advanced of all planets in the universe, and teeming with life, has not been ideated, engineered and crafted in vain.
There should be more of these disasters in an escalating manner to assume and culminate in a universal dimension! Out of that should be a flow of a resultant planet Earth and a universe ultimately reformed and refreshed. A planet Earth stable, clean and balanced, and that comes with a natural environment as such. The required equilibrium for the natural environment administered and maintained- void of manmade disasters. Manmade disasters, and disasters generally, would have come into extinction, eventually. This appears to be in keeping with the principle of destruction and rebirth. Yet it is an intervention outside of the realm of evolution or human thought!
Compare planet Earth with an egg in the hand of man. Planet Earth is indeed in the hands of man (human civilization). If one holds the egg gently it will not crack, however, if one presses it hard it should crack spilling its contents through the cracked shell, soiling one’s hand. Incidentally egg has three main parts namely shell, white and yolk, just like planet Earth’s three main parts!
As Hawaii is molded, shaped and formed through and by volcanic eruptions, so will the era beyond the ongoing sixth extinction (evolution/human civilization), or the third civilization of universal equilibrium, teeming with activities, without disasters, be born out of  cataclysms of universal dimensions!

Reference: (Hawaii Island (big island) formed by 5 volcanoes/ a landslide is breaking away from Kilauea)
