Has it ever occurred to you how hurricanes get their interesting names? Much more, do you know the philosophy behind the naming of the hurricanes?
Hurricane is a form of storm occurring in the Atlantic Ocean and Northeast Pacific Ocean. A hurricane is characterize by strong winds, heavy rains, floods and unusual waves. Hurricanes normally occur between June and November.
The US National Hurricane Center classifies hurricanes. Hurricanes classified as category 1 are the weakest. Hurricanes classified as category 3 and above are considered as major hurricanes. Category 5 hurricanes are rated as the strongest yet.
Currently Hurricane Irma is battering the Caribbean islands and parts of the United States of America. Hurricane Irma has been rated as a category 5 hurricane. Before then hurricane Harvey submerged Houston, Texas. The three active hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean now are Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Katia and Hurricane Jose (2017). Other hurricanes that have occurred in the past are:
Hurricane Katrina- 2005
Hurricane Isabel- 2003
Hurricane Ike- 2008
Hurricane Sandy- 2012
Hurricane Agnes- 1972
Hurricane Alicia- 1983
The World Meteorological Organization makes a list of names in alphabetical order which are given to tropical storms. Names may be used again after 6 years interval. In the Caribbean Islands people name hurricanes (storms) after Catholic saints of the day. For example hurricanes may get names like Hurricane Saint Francis, Hurricane Saint Valentine etc. During the WW II military meteorologists started naming hurricanes using the names of women. That methodology stuck and was adopted by the US National Hurricane Center in 1953. This, in a way reduced the technicality of meteorology in the area of hurricanes to a common language which is more receptive of the ordinary citizenry.
The philosophy behind the naming of hurricanes is simple. Naming of hurricanes makes it easier for communication between stakeholders in the weather business, and for identification purposes. Using names for hurricanes facilitates chemistry between meteorologists, researchers, ship captains, emergency workers and ordinary people like you and me.  Names of hurricanes excites me. It makes me curious, prompting me to know more about it. This curiosity has led me to do this post, for example.
I have met and heard many people who have wondered how hurricanes get their names. It becomes more interesting when such destructive phenomena are associated with beautiful and female names. If you are one of such persons I have tried in a small way in this post to shed light on the matter.

The long and short of the matter is that names are given to hurricanes to make it easier for stakeholders in the weather business to communicate. Also, naming of hurricanes, especially after women reduced technicality of meteorology in the area hurricane, thereby gaining interest and reception in the realm of ordinary people.  
