Let me take the above term word by
word to explain it, and thereby facilitate the dilation of the topic.
What then does attribution science
mean, taking the first word attribution first? Attribution to my mind means
finding the cause/origin. Science in a simplistic definition means study
through examination and observation. So from the two definitions attribution
science means the study of the cause or origin of a result or outcome. The term
attribution science has been coined out of a perspective. The perspective is
climate change. So within the framework of the perspective, the substance of
the phrase is then the study of the cause or origin of climate change.
But before we move forward let me give
you some definitions of climate change, more so as it relates to global
warming, its interchangeability or distinction thereof. Keep your focus, and
remember that we want to know for sure what attribution science is. The
definitions are from two top climate change global authorities so as to lend
authoritative parameters to this topic. The two top climate change authorities
are National Aeronautics and Space Authority and United States of America
Environmental Protection Agency. The definitions come in that order as follows:
Global warming refers to
the upward temperature trend across the entire Earth since the early 20th
century, and most notably since the late 1970s, due to the increase in
fossil fuel emissions since the industrial revolution. Worldwide since 1880,
the average surface temperature has gone up by about 0.8 °C (1.4 °F), relative
to the mid-20th-century baseline (of 1951-1980).
Climate change refers to
a broad range of global phenomena created predominantly by burning fossil
fuels, which add heat-trapping gases to Earth’s atmosphere. These phenomena
include the increased temperature trends described by global warming, but also
encompass changes such as sea level rise; ice mass loss in Greenland,
Antarctica, the Arctic and mountain glaciers worldwide; shifts in flower/plant
blooming; and extreme weather events.
The term climate change
is sometimes used interchangeably with the term global warming. However, the terms do not refer entirely
to the same thing.
warming refers to the recent and ongoing rise in
global average temperature near Earth's surface. It is caused mostly by
increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Global warming
is causing climate patterns to change. However, global warming itself
represents only one aspect of climate change.
change refers to any significant change in the
measures of climate lasting for an extended period of time. In other words,
climate change includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind
patterns, among others, that occur over several decades or longer. Climate
change can occur at the global, continental, regional, and local levels.
Climate change may refer to natural changes in climate, or changes caused by
human activities.
AGENCY (https://19january2017snapshot.epa.gov/climate-change-science/overview-climate-change-science_.html)
The foregoing definitions tell
me that to a point global warming and climate change are interchangeable. However, climate change extends beyond global
warming, and is the bigger of the two.
Now back to the substantive
issue of the cause of climate change. Now we know, at least from the
definitions, that climate change starts with global warming which is fuelled by
greenhouse gases. That opens the way for us to find out how the greenhouse
gases are generated to cause global warming, for that matter climate change.
Attribution Science shows that there are two
main ways by which greenhouse gases cause global warming, for that matter
climate change. The two ways are human and natural. The human ways are due to
the activities of human beings here on planet Earth. The natural ways are caused
by nature.
examples of human-induced global warming are:
Some examples of nature-induced
temperature increase are:
Climate cycles
Volcanic activities
Solar activities
Carbon cycle
As a result of many diligent studies
and comparison of notes over a period of time, attribution science has developed
a common position that human activities, some of which have been indicated, are
the causes of global warming, and for that matter climate change. Attribution
Science says even though natural activities do add to the warming surface
temperature of the Earth, the increase is minimal and does not by themselves account
for the rate and measure of life-threatening global mean temperature planet
Earth is experiencing now.
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