It is known that planet Earth is getting warmer. I have projected this fact in a number of posts. So if you follow my blog you surely know what I am talking about. This state of affair is a worry to many a nation.  Under the aegis of the United Nations the world is trying to reduce and stabilizer the surface temperature of planet Earth, and in so doing the required cool temperature. Ultimately I think the goal is to bring the Earth’s mean temperature to pre-1870 level. It is generally believed and accepted that 1870 is the year increased emission of greenhouse gases started, adding up to culminate in the quantity of greenhouse gases we have in the atmosphere today. 1870 is regarded as the time increased greenhouse gas emission started because it brought in industrialization, and with industrialization multinationalism or transnationalism. Some multinationals are Apple, Samsung, Toyota, Nissan, Exxon, Total etc. It is mainly through the activities of such multinationals that greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere causing global warming. Emissions occur during raw material extraction, raw material processing, manufacturing of products, packaging of products, marketing of products and usage of products. Well, the multinationals alone should not bear the whole brunt of a warming Earth. You, as a consumer, ought to bear your part of the brunt because you patronize products of multinationals.
Given the foregoing backdrop, it stands to reason that the multinationals have a key and critical role in reducing the unacceptable current surface temperature of our planet. The multinationals know the responsibility that lies on their shoulders. Indeed some of them are doing very well to reduce their carbon footprint. In one of my posts not long ago I shared with you the success story of Google.
In this post I am going to tell you what another multinational is doing to reduce its carbon footprint, and thereby eventually, the cooling of the Earth. The name of that multinational is Yanmar. Yanmar is a Japan multinational engaged in the manufacture of engines of racing yachts, among others. The multinational manufactures racing yacht engines for Oracle Team USA. Oracle Team USA engages in yacht racing. I think the team is the defending champion at the Bermuda yacht race. Oracle itself is a multinational engaged in the manufacture of computers.

Yanmar has manufactured a diesel engine for Oracle Team USA which cuts carbon dioxide emission by 20% to 40% even as it powers racing yacht in a race. Carbon dioxide is greenhouse gas, a main greenhouse gas, accumulating in the Earth’s atmosphere to cause global warming. So manufacturing an engine to reduce greenhouse gas by that margin is certainly working one’s way to the cooling of the Earth. For Oracle, a multinational to have ordered such an engine for its yachts tells you how green conscious it is. It is a show and expression of a green intercourse between two multinationals.

What all this tells you is that man is accepting their responsibility as one driving global warming. That being the case man is confronted with the critical challenge of reversing the warming trend towards a cooling Earth. This, man is doing through acceptance of the problem and challenge, mind orientation, attitudinal change, research and resultant appropriate technology, and application. 
Yanmar is yet another personification of green consciousness. Yanmar ought to serve as encouragement to others who are yet to tread this path, more so those who still do not believe it is the way man is handling resources of planet Earth that is causing greenhouse gases to accumulate in the atmosphere, thereby prompting a rise in the surface temperature of the Earth. Yanmar’s mentality is surely one that leads to a clean and balanced natural environment.             
