I have just come from town. On leaving home I had in mind to take a shot of a burning cigarette for this post. I failed to do that. I have eventually managed to get an image to accompany this post. This post is going to try and look at the negative effect of cigarette smoke on the natural environment. You may know that automobile exhaust and factory funnels release gases into the atmosphere which have contributed to climate change. What about cigarette smoke? Cigarette smoke is the smoke a cigarette emits when lighted or the smoke a smoker exhales after drawing on a cigarette.
To know how cigarette smoke negatively affects the environment, we should first know what constitutes cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke contains thousands of toxins. Of the toxins, some are regarded as air pollutants and some are said to be human and animal carcinogens (substances that produce cancer). Also, present in the smoke is radioactive material.
Cigarette smoke releases carbon dioxide and methane into the air. Both gases are greenhouse gases. If you know a little about global warming and climate change then I suppose you know how notorious greenhouse gases have become. It should also, right away, give you a hint as to what cigarette smoke is doing to the environment. Greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, by, in this instance cigarette smoke, traps heat in the lower atmosphere raising the mean temperature of planet Earth. The result and manifestation of this phenomenon are heat waves, melting glaciers, rising water levels, drought etc. When there is a flood and your home is filled with water, making it uninhabitable, that is just a small scale of what can happen to planet Earth as a whole eventually, by the trigger of gases in the smoke of cigarette. Remember that we don’t have the technology and feasibility to escape a destroyed Earth, to another planet. 
This is just one aspect of the dangers of cigarette smoke to the natural environment. So what do we do to reverse this trend to sustain a clean and balanced natural environment?
You probably have not looked at cigarette smoke in this light! This post is presenting to you an opportunity to rethink your position as a cigarette smoker.

The Western world is doing well in reducing the number of cigarette smokers, while the number of smokers in the developing world is on the increase. The developing world ought to learn from the Western world.    
