Apocalypse has several meanings. Another name for the book of Revelation is Apocalypse. Apocalypse in one sense means to uncover or reveal hence the name Revelation for that book of the bible. In the same biblical sense there is another sense of the word apocalypse which means disaster, disaster of cosmic proportions- dislocation of heavenly bodies etc. There is yet another meaning of the word apocalypse which means the part of the new testament of the Christian bible spanning Acts of the Apostles to Revelations.
In the disaster sense of the word apocalypse, the end result of the disaster is the end of the world. Even apocalypse in the sense of revelation is meant to reveal or uncover events leading to the end of the world or civilization as we know it, characterized by cataclysms. At least as believed and projected by Christianity; so it may be looked at as a matter of faith.
This post is going to focus on apocalypse in the sense of global disaster leading to the end of the world or the cracking and transition from our current civilization. There are many ways widespread global disaster can rock our world. It could be a third world war (WW III). It could be prophecy fulfilled. It could be the sixth extinction. It could be anthropogenic climate change. However you look at it, trends show that our civilization is in the throes of a transition to an era yet largely unknown. I now narrow in on climate change. The heading means climate change as the causative factor of apocalypse. 
So as planet Earth is heading towards a terminal calamity per anthropogenic climate change, how do you take cover and how is the terminal calamity averted?
This is what the moneyed of New York and Silicon Valley, for example, are doing. They are buying landed estates and building bunkers where they hope to hide when push comes to shove. They have realized that current trends portend an apocalypse hence the prophylaxis. Indeed, even now, they go to these “hideouts” (landed estates) from time to time to take in of what the relatively unpolluted natural environment there gives them.
But can these hideouts save them when climate change apocalypse takes a full grip of this cracking civilization? Of course they cannot be saved. The reason is that climate change apocalypse is meant to go the whole hog to bring an end to our civilization or age.
Yet there is a way out. It is a matter of cause and effect. If we can find the cause, we should be able to find the solution. We as earthlings know the cause, even if only majority of earthlings. Activities of earthlings are the cause of the ongoing climate change which portends to be apocalyptic, hence the term anthropogenic climate change. We are emitting too much greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
The solution is to control the emission of such gases into the atmosphere. It must start with a change in attitude. The change in attitude must be reflected in a sustainable way in ideation through research, engineering, experiment, test trial, mass production, end-user consumption to monitoring and evaluation.

If we should be able to apply ourselves practically in that direction, as is being done by some in a limited way albeit, we should be able to save ourselves from and avert climate change apocalypse resulting in a sustainable clean and balanced natural environment. Hiding in landed properties and bunkers is not the way out, ultimately, global warming is affecting the natural environment as a whole.
