May 25, 2017 was Africa Union day. It rained that evening in Accra. The rain was a bit windy. The wind blew my TV antenna off its set position. As a result I lost some signals. At that material time it did not occur to me that the loss of signals was as a result of the positional change of antenna. Throughout the night I could not watch some favorite channels.
The next morning I realized that the antenna has lost the position I set it at- blown by the wind. I quickly reposition the antenna and got the signals back. That was a little bad thing the wind did to me. Wind is not all that bad. Wind has good uses. A breeze blowing into your bedroom at night is most welcomed. Wind can be both good and bad. That makes wind a dichotomy.
The idea then is to minimize the minuses of wind, to the best of our abilities, so as to add more gains to a clean and balanced natural environment in a sustainable manner.
To be surer of what we are talking about, let us find out for sure what wind is. The WordWeb dictionary defines wind as air moving from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. Air is a major component of the natural environment. In some of my posts I have indicated that air is compose of gases. Some of the gases are nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. From the foregoing it can be said that wind is the movement of gases. Some types of wind are squall, breeze, storm and hurricane, depending on direction, speed etc.
I have already said how the wind blew my antenna off the position I set it at resulting in loss of signals. Another bad thing wind does, and to the environment, is to pick and blow away topsoil. Topsoil retention is good for plant growth.
One solution to this problem is to plant trees to hold the top soil together, holding the topsoil together prevents erosion too.

If you plant a tree, and I plant a tree and others do same, we should be getting nearer to, rather farther from, a sustainable clean and balanced natural environment.
