When I was preparing for this post I went looking around to find out whether regeneration is an institution of nature. In my garden I was studying the plants carefully. I realized that plants grow leaves and shed them even as new ones replaced them. I also noticed that when plants grow fruits when the fruits ripe they detach themselves from the tree for new fruits to be grown. Plants bloom and shed flowers for new flowers to be grown. Nuclei of atoms break up in radioactivity, yet atoms remain the building block of matter thereby sustaining material life. Animals shed their skin. Snake is an example of an animal that do shed its skin. I have personally come upon shed skin of snake. It was always an eerie feeling, not knowing whether the snake was hiding nearby, and whether it was poisonous or not.   
Humans do shed their skin too, daily. And millions of cells of the skin do end up as dead skin. Where do these cells land when shed? The cells land on your bed sheet, pillows, bed spread, blanket and mattress. They also land on wardrobes, portraits on your wall etc. When you turn on your fan the shed skin is blown around into the air. The dead skin attract dust mites. The dead skin is actually a pollutant. How then do you regulate the accumulation of such a pollutant?

Step up your personal and environmental cleanliness, sustainably.  
