The surface of the Earth has been designed and crafted to form rises and falls; mountains and valleys and high areas and low areas. The high areas bare the solidity of the Earth while the low areas (and slopes too) allow liquid water to flow over them or gather in them. For that reason we have basins through which rivers flow over many miles and through many countries. The Amazon basin is an example. Eventually rivers flow into bigger basins called seas, themselves being low lying areas. So, you see, water has its paths (small and big) or its space on the surface of planet Earth. The paths are low-lying spaces.
However, for some reasons, people decide and choose to build in waterways, thus obstructing passage of water as it is naturally meant to happen. The rich, the poor, the ignorant and the knowledgeable all build in waterways. In Ghana, a town in the Western region called Nzulezu has a whole community sited on a river, with schools etc. In the West there are sophisticated floating houses. And of course there is also Venice in Italy.
There was a day (a few days ago) when it rained. No sooner had it stopped raining than I step out of the house to buy food. Where I was going to buy the food was sited in a water way, and not well planned; the settlement as whole. After I bought the food, leaving, I had to squeeze my way through the spaces in between the houses, while I gingerly step over the water forcing (as a result of the rainfall) its way through the spaces it could find in between the houses. The place ends up being stagnant with water and waste, and swampy.  Most of the people living there appear to be squatters.

Suppose the path of the water had no houses in it, the water should flow unhindered to its natural destination. 
