Depending on how you handle your bed sheet you could be making your bed sheet a tool for releasing pollutants into the environment, and transmitting diseases too. So how often do you wash your bed sheet? Do you wash it once a month? How often do you change your bed sheet? Does it matter how often you change your bed sheet, for that matter your bedding as whole?
If you come to closely consider what you do in bed or what goes on in your bed, then you should grasp the importance of the hygiene of your bed sheet. You sleep in your bed. You lie on your bed to read books. You lie on your bed to browse the internet or type a post as I am doing at this material time. You have sex on your bed. Your kids join you in bed to play with you. You may be doing some exercises on your bed. Kids on their own may get on the bed to play; may be a pillow fight.
All the foregoing activities leave in their trail the following:
Semen and Sperm
Fecal matter
Dust is a fine particle of solid matter. Sources of dust are earth or soil or sand. Powdered form of broken pieces of solid materials are also sources of dust. Humans shed millions of cells from their bodies every night. These cells attract dust mites which feed on the cells. The dust mites on feeding on the shed cells drop their excrement thereby adding to accumulating dust in the bed for that matter the environment.  Dust mites are said to like and flourish in bedding and mattresses. However they settle on floors until they are disturbed and become airborne for a while. Dust cause respiratory problems to people.
A bed sheet is stained with urine when kids urinate into bed or when after urinating you come into bed with residual droplets of the urine. The urine may contain sediments. The sediments may be stones, cells etc. They all add up to dust accumulation. The cause of urine sediments may be malfunctioning of the kidney.  
The bed sheet may be stained when semen is spilled during sexual intercourse or nocturnal emission. Sticky surfaces attracts dust mites facilitating the accumulation of dust. Semen is the fluid which contains sperm.
The bed sheet absorbs sweat from the human body. The sweat can cause the bed sheet to smell from body odor. The sweat can add to the humidity of the bed sheet which in turn makes it easy for dust to stick to the bed sheet. The mixture of sweat and other fluids can result in an offensive smell.
I guess fecal matter is the one thing you would not want to admit that you carry it into your bed. The experts say it happens. You may carry it from the loo. When you flush the toilet bits of the stuff is splashed into your face or some other parts of the body. You may pick it from the toilet seat. If you don’t clean yourself properly after excretion you may carry on your hand fecal matter. Your wife and kids may deposit fecal matter on your bed. In so far as you share your bed with others you may be spreading and sharing germs.
If you share your bed with infants they would let out saliva on your bed sheet. Even adults sometimes spill saliva on to bed sheets when sleeping. Saliva may serve as a medium for the transmission of certain diseases.
Now that you know or are reminded of the unpleasant and unhealthy things your bed trap, you should want to know what to do next, if you really care. The answer is bound in the question I was asking in the beginning of this post: how often do you wash your bed sheet? Surveys on that question have been made and not many people made the mark. So, again how many times do you do yours? Is it once in a month? Is it once in every two months? Is it as and when you think it is dirty? Well the experts say you should wash your bed sheet at least once every week! Let me tell you a confession. The confession is that I myself did not make the mark! However, I am learning a thing or two that are refreshing. The bed sheets must be washed in warm water to kill bacteria. Of course how dirty your bed sheet gets depends on the intensity and frequency of activities in your bed.

I have given you a rerun of what goes on in bed, a bed covered with bed sheet. I have also taken you through the pressure the bed sheet takes through what goes in bed. More seriously the activities on the bed leave in their trail dust and other unpleasant things. Dust do cause respiratory problems. The dust   gets into the air and people breathe in the dusty air. Some eventually become aerosol, a culprit of global warming. The human cells we shed every night as humans do get into the air, and the dust mite that feed on them too. We have no choice but to frequently wash and change our bed sheets. As frequently as at least once every week, and with warm water. We should be extending our cleaning activities to the bedding as a whole. If you brighten the corner where you are, and I brighten the corner where I am, and as a way of life, we should be covering the natural environment as whole in a sustainable way.   

