Come to think of it, while many are of the opinion that increase in human activities are the cause of rise in global mean temperature, others are of the opinion that the rise in atmospheric temperature is cyclical and a normal occurrence in the solar system. The divide is even manifested in the opinions of experts. The later school of thought argues that it is the increase in solar radiation that results in increase in human activities down here on Earth and not the other way round. In any case the heat is on. How do you get around it? The following are some suggestions:

When the heat is on one sweats a lot to contain the heat. Sweating means one is losing vital body fluid. The body fluid being lost needs to be replaced so one can continue to contain the heat. To replace your body fluid one needs to take more fluids in proportion to body fluid being lost. Examples of the fluids your body needs are water, packaged fruit juices, fresh fruits like coconut, pineapples, mangoes, watermelons etc.

Avoid wearing clothes that retain heat. Cotton for example should be preferable. If you like tanning your body in sunlight be careful not to burn your skin or get skin cancer.
However, ultimately, we must look at the big picture, in spite of the doubt, it is becoming clearer that it is because of gases like carbon dioxide we are releasing into the atmosphere through our activities here on Earth that is turning the lower atmosphere into an oven. Let us turn on a sustainable lifestyle to tackle this fundamental issue head on.      
