In my last post I projected the
bright side of nanotechnology. In this post I am going to look at the side
effects the use of nanotechnology leaves in its trail, environmentally.
The following are some
definitions of the term nanotechnology to refresh your memory and for impact:
Nanotechnology is the
understanding and control of matter at dimensions roughly 1 to 100 nanometers,
where unique phenomena enables novel applications. Encompassing nanoscale
science, engineering and technology, nanoscale involves imaging, measuring,
modeling, and manipulating matter at this scale-
European Commission
Nanotechnology is a field of applied science and technology
covering a broad range of topics. The main unifying theme is the control of
matter on a scale smaller than 1 micrometer, normally between 1-100 nanometers,
as well as the fabrication of devices on this same length scale.
Two main approaches are used in
nanotechnology: one is a "bottom-up" approach where materials and
devices are built from molecular components which assemble themselves
chemically using principles of molecular recognition; the other being a
"top-down" approach where nano-objects are constructed from larger
entities without atomic-level control-
New World Encyclopedia
From the definitions it
is obvious that the substance of nanotechnology is the handling of matter at a
scale of one to one hundred nanometers, one nanometer being one billionth of
one meter.
In my last post I stated the
following as the good things green nanotechnology is doing to the environment:
Researchers have shown that
silver nanoclusters when used as catalyst in the production of propylene oxide
reduces pollution associated with the process. Propylene oxide is used in the
production of plastics, paints etc.
Researchers have shown that
silicon nanowires (nanotechnology) planted in polymer help reduce the cost of
solar cells for generating solar energy.
The reduction in the cost of solar energy input passes on to the cost of
the solar energy itself. This means solar energy will become available and
accessible to more people. The implication is more people will switch from
fossil fuel use to clean energy, and for that matter a cleaner environment.
Nanotechnology is being used to
generate greater electricity from windmills. The blades of the windmill are
fitted with nanotubes. The blades so produced are lighter and stronger and
therefore generate increased electricity.
Research has shown that iron
nanoparticles can clean up organic chemical pollutants in groundwater. The iron
nanoparticles spread through the water to get rid of the pollutants in a cost
effective way.
Nanotechnology is bringing good
things to man and the environment, but at what cost? In the wake of
nanotechnology is there nanopollution? Nanopollution is waste generated during
the use of nanodevices and the processing of nanomaterials.
The following are some side
effects of nanotechnology:
- Because of the smallness of the scale at which nanotechnology takes place it is difficult to detect pollution to the environment timeously.
- Again because of the minuteness of the phenomenon of nanotechnology it is difficult to administer correction even when pollution is detected.
- A 2007 study indicates that nanoscopic materials from agricultural runoff were present in some rivers in Britain.
- From another study in which fishes were exposed to Carbon-60, a nanoscopic material, there is a suggestion that the Carbon 60 was able to pass the immune system of the fishes before it was detected.
- Experts say that people, particularly urban dwellers are very likely exposed to nanopollution from smoke from automobiles and manganese oxide from construction sites.
- In my last post I shared with you the positive things derived from nanotechnology to help our drive towards a clean and balanced natural environment.
- One of the things nanotechnology does to the environment is that it cleans up chemical pollutants in groundwater
- In this post I am dwelling on the side effects of nanotechnology. That is in using nanotechnology to achieve a clean and balanced natural environment a price is paid.
- The price is that in the application of nanotechnology pollution occurs on a nanoscale- particles of sizes between one to hundred nanometers. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter.
The task of reversing the
imbalance in environmental chemistry to obtain a balanced one is herculean and
difficult, perhaps impossible by human standards. In the application of
nanotechnology to clean up pollutants in the environment to attain a clean and
balanced natural environment, new pollutants are released into the atmosphere-
a paradox. The fight must be unrelenting, sustained and all- encompassing. We
must continue to use innovative cutting edge technology to counter the negative
effects of new methodologies. Nanotechnology, strictly speaking, is nothing
new. Is man taking their proclivity to mess things up to the nanoscale? In
nature, from where man take their inspiration, things are already happening at
the nanoscale, and in a balanced way. Take the molecules of DNA and the
information they hold for example. We must learn from how nature maintains and
sustains its balance, when it is not touched by man.
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