I have done posts on the definition and structure of the natural environment before. With this post I intend looking at the engineering of the natural environment from a broader perspective. There are varied concepts on the subject. The traditional concept is that the natural environment is composed of three components namely air, water and land.


 Let us get some definitions of the term natural environment or environment as a way of determining the scope of the topic.
1) The totality of all the external conditions affecting the life, development and survival of an organism.
                                                                      UNITED NATIONS

2) Conditions that surround and influence an organism or community.

                                                                                    NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC

3) Environment literally means surrounding and everything that affect an organism during its lifetime is collectively known as its environment. In another words “Environment is sum total of water, air and land interrelationships among themselves and also with the human being, other living organisms and property”.

                                                                                     NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL


From the foregoing definitions I deduce that there are three components. They are that which is surrounded- organism, that which surrounds- external conditions and chemistry between that which is surrounded and that which surrounds.
THAT WHICH IS SURROUNDED: The organism takes the center stage in the definition of the word environment. All that is around a particular organism, apart from that particular organism itself, and is subjective to its growth, interactively or through influence is environment. So the organism must draw something from or exchange something with that which surrounds them. What then is organism? Organism is a living thing. Forms of organism are humans, animals, plants, fungus and microbial. When an organism affect the growth of another organism, that organism is then part of the environment.
THAT WHICH SURROUNDS: These surroundings or external conditions are air, water, land, organisms, temperature, weather, economy, society, politics, internet, Facebook, Twitter, Google plus etc. Though social media is a tool of communication it is impersonal. One who is not a Muslim if converted to Islam through its teachings, that person gets affected by that environment.
CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THAT WHICH IS SURROUNDED AND THAT WHICH SURROUNDS: The term ‘influence/affecting the life, development and survival of the organism’ shows dependence of the organism on that which surrounds it for growth. That which is around the organism must interconnect with and affect its growth, development and survival to be environment.  


In the British concept, the environment splits into two- biotic and abiotic. The biotic relates to living things, and the abiotic relates to the nonliving. Living things are animals and plants, and nonliving things are air, water, land etc. The biotic splits further into three. The three are producers, consumers and decomposers. Producers are plants, through photosynthesis they produce food. Consumers are animals that eat food produced by plants. Decomposers are for example, fungi and bacteria that breakdown dead matter into simpler forms. The abiotic too splits further into two. The two are climate and edaphic. Climate is clear. Edaphic pertains to land.


In the American concept, the environment is divided into five spheres or areas. The spheres are the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the biosphere, the lithosphere and the anthrosphere. The atmosphere deals with the air. The hydrosphere deals with water. The biosphere deals with plants and animals. The lithosphere deals with the crust of the earth and a layer beneath it. The anthrosphere deals with human activities in the environment.

Anthrosphere, as said deals with human activities in the environment. When compared with other creatures we humans consume more resources from the environment. The other creatures do it in a way so as to clinch a clean and balanced environment. Is that the way we do it?
The theme for this year’s (June 5, 2016) World Environment Day is “Go Wild for Life”. The focus is the illegal killing of wildlife by humans for its products, driving some species to the brink of extinction. That human activity results in imbalance in the ecosystem. Let us juxtapose our activities in the environment to its cleanliness and balance for our own good.
Let me end with a Mohammed Ali quote: “Don’t count the days, make the days count”. 


