The human body, encircled depicting the interconnectivity between the human body and the natural environment

In my last post I attempted to give you the elemental composition of the human body and how it is interconnected with the natural environment. Let me say again that the natural environment is made up of various elements which the human body has to ingest and assimilate to sustain material life. In so far as the human body ingests and assimilates the elements life is sustained. The building blocks of elements are atoms. The elements themselves are flung from stars.
When an atom of one element combines with the atom of another element a molecule is formed (atoms of the same element can combine to form a molecule), and molecules form cell, and cells form tissue, and tissues form organ, and the organs the human body. Atom the building block of chemistry, is replaced every year by 98% in the human body. Our bodies take in new atoms daily: from the pizza you eat; from the beer you drink; from the fufu and abɛ ŋkwan (fufu is cassava cooked and pounded into a paste, and it goes with abɛ ŋkwan, a soup with the palm fruit as its main ingredient- it is a popular meal in Ghana) you eat etc.

In this post I intend going further to attempt to determine the number of atoms there are in the human body to further establish the interconnectivity between man and the natural environment. Looking at it more significantly, if man because of this interconnectedness, makes the elements which forms the natural environment dirty, they should ingest and assimilate dirty elements.
A human body of 70 kg is made up 7*10²⁷ atoms or an estimated 7 octillion atoms (7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) or 7 billion, billion, billion.  My word, those were twenty seven zeros! I have tried to break the figure down to make it graspable.
Of the 7*10²⁷ atoms, three elements in the human body take up 99%. The three elements are hydrogen, oxygen and carbon; the others are trace elements. Hydrogen takes up of 2/3, oxygen 1/4 and carbon 1/10.
Clearly, the one thing you, as a human being, have in common with the natural environment is atom. Atom derived from the elements in the natural environment- air, water and soil. Plants and animals which you and I feed on derive their atoms from the natural environment. So directly or indirectly or both, we as humans get our atoms from the natural environment.
In view of the foregoing, it stands to reason that if we humans as managers of the natural environment, fail to keep the natural environment clean, stable and balanced, we should in effect compromise the stability in our own bodies, for that matter our minds. Then a vicious circle should emerge, as indeed is the case: from an unstable man to an unstable natural environment and vice versa. An example, through human activities, there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, especially urban areas. The result is that humans are not getting pure air to inhale for proper metabolism, a key mechanism to our wellbeing.

