I am going to look at the question from both Christian and Scientific perspectives. Putting it another way, I am going to do a collaboration between Christianity and Science. In the entertainment world today, collaborations are done with a view to synergic effect. In the same way I am going to combine the efforts Christianity and Science for a more impactive effect.

The bible does talk about the creation or the recreation of heaven and Earth. The bible talks about heaven in plural terms.   The bible speaks of heaven in ordinal forms, which to mind means heaven is layered. Ordinal means heaven is arranged in first, second, third etc. order. Let us open our bible to Isaiah chapter 40, verse 22(NIV) and check a statement there: “He (God) sits enthroned above the circle (atmospheric boundary) of the Earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in” Here a distinction has been made between heaven and Earth by the circle! Earth, including its atmosphere, ends at the circle, and heaven as whole begins at the circle!

Above the circle are located:





Beneath the circle are located:

1)Area where birds fly(Deut. 4:17)

2)Area from where snow forms(Isaiah 55:10)

3)Area where rain forms(Gen. 1:14)

Now let us step into the area of Science to attempt to determine the line separating Earth from Space. In Science there are two main spaces as hinted; Earth and Space which derive from the Universe which is one whole space. The Earth is composed of three main components of earth, water and air or atmosphere. Space is divided into areas.

Of the three main components of the natural environment, it is the Earth’s atmosphere that merges with space so it must be between the Earth’s atmosphere and space that the boundary should be drawn. In that case my next step should be to define the layers of the atmosphere. The Earth’s atmosphere is layered as follows:

This is closest to the earth.
From the ground upwards -zero to 20 km(0 -12 miles)
Weather forms in this sphere.
Clouds which are droplets of water and snow crystals form in this sphere.
Almost all water vapor
and moisture is found in this layer, hence the occurrence of weather.  
12 km to 50 km( 7miles to 31 miles)
The ozone layer is
located in this sphere
50 km to 80 km( 31 miles to 50 miles)
It is the coldest place on
Planet Earth with an
average temperature of
about -85°C(-120°F).
It is the layer in which
meteors bun up on
entering the Earth’s

80 km to 700 km(50 miles to 440
Karman line is located here. The international
Space center orbits here
700 km to 10000 km( 440 miles to
6200 miles)
It contain most of
satellites orbiting the

Humans do not know for sure the interface between Earth and Space. However a line called Karman line is generally accepted as the line that separates Earth from Space (Earth from Heaven). It is 100 km. (62 miles) above sea level (compare with the circle mentioned in the biblical qoutation). The Karman line is used as the start of space in space treaties and for records keeping in aerospace. However, you may notice that by the above table, the Karman line falls within the thermosphere, which is not the topmost layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. Some regard part of that area as part of space.

The Outer Space Treaty passed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1963 defines outer space as the moon and other celestial bodies.

NASA’s space shuttle used 122 km. (76 miles) altitude as entry interface. At this point there is a feel of atmospheric (Earth) pull.

In 2009, scientists at the University of Calgary, using an instrument that measures the direction and speed of ion attempted to determine a boundary between Earth and Space. Through that they established a boundary at 118 km. (73 miles) above Earth. Their reason is that that point marks the middle of a transition of the gentle winds of the Earth’s atmosphere to the more violent flows of charged particles of space.

Outer Space is divided into areas as already indicated.

Geospace is the area of Outer Space close to the atmosphere of the Earth. It includes parts of the atmosphere and the magnetosphere. Magnetosphere is the area in Outer Space surrounding an astronomical object in which charged particles are controlled by that objects magnetic field. Magnetopause is the outer boundary of geospace, and it forms an interface between the magnetosphere and solar winds.

There is the interplanetary space, which is the space around the Sun and planets of the Solar System. The solar wind determines the state of the interplanetary space.

Then comes the interstellar space which is space within the galaxies.

There is also the Intergalactic space which is space between the galaxies. A galaxy is one of the many groups of stars that make up the universe. The galaxy of planet Earth is called the Milky Way. The Milky Way is the home galaxy of you and me.

Now let us compare what the bible says is the divide between Heaven and Earth, and what Science says is the divide between Outer Space and Earth. Here heaven and outer space are synonymous. In biblical revelation heaven or outer space contain not only matter but spirit as well, whereas scientific knowledge acknowledges matter only. To find a divide implies there must be a whole. Yes in this instance there is a whole. In biblical terms it is called creation; and in scientific terms it is called universe which is one whole space.

This whole universe or creation is split into two main parts as indicated. I have attempted to define where one ends and other starts. The bible in Isaiah chapter 40 verse 22 speaks of a circle above which God is enthroned. Comparatively Science speaks of the Karman line which is in the Earth’s atmosphere. NASA talks about the reentry interface which tries to establish a boundary between Earth and Outer Space. There are other scientific measurements too. Both the biblical the scientific have a common upward thrust from the ground to get the measurements.

Conclusively, there is no doubt that there is a boundary between heaven and Earth from the biblical point of view, and between Outer Space and Earth from the scientific viewpoint. You as an individual have your personal space. Families have their individual spaces. Institutions have their individual spaces. In creation man has their space which is Earth, including its atmosphere, and the other space is God’s. In scientific terms Earth is still man’s space, we have been fitted to live on Earth whether you look at it from the viewpoint of creation or evolution, the other space is for galaxies and planets etc.

There is definitely a boundary located in the atmosphere but we do not know for sure where it is specifically located. We must keep hold of what we have now as spring board for superior knowledge.



