Clean energy is energy generated from
renewable resources without making the natural environment dirty. Clean energy
is generated without the release of harmful gases into the atmosphere. The
production of clean energy does not emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide when emitted into the atmosphere it traps
heat from the sun and that causes temperature increase in the lower atmosphere,
and then ultimately, the infamous climate change. defines clean
energy as: “energy, as
electricity or nuclear power, that does not pollute the atmosphere when used,
as opposed to coal and oil that do”. Renewable resources are resources that can
be replenished, by human calculations. Clean energy is interchanged with terms
like renewable energy and green energy. Sources of clean energy are geothermal,
wind, water and solar (sun).
Currently what is
driving our civilization is energy mostly derived from fossil fuel. The fossil
fuels are oil, coal and gas. We use energy from these resources to run our
industries. We use energy from these resources to warm ourselves when it is
cold. We use energy from these resources to light our homes at night. We use
energy from these resources to do many other things. However, the unbridled use
of these resources by mankind is causing problems for them. The two main
problems are number one, these resources are depletable, and they are indeed being
depleted, and number two they are creating problems in the atmosphere as
indicated in the foregoing paragraph. The unbridled use of fossil fuel by man,
many experts believe, started with the industrial revolution in the eighteenth
century. If you keep an eye on the environmental
landscape, which you should do, you should be familiar with terminologies like
greenhouse gas, anthropogenic greenhouse gas, greenhouse effect and climate
change. Those are not pleasant terminologies because they are associated with
happenings that are threatening habitation on our shared home, Earth.
The use of fossil
fuel to generate energy emits greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The
greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs etc. Among the greenhouse
gases are the anthropogenic greenhouse gases. They are called anthropogenic
greenhouse gases because they are generated by human activities, like the
burning of coal to get energy. The big guy, so to speak, among the
anthropogenic greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide. When emitted into the
atmosphere it traps heat from the sun and that warms the lower atmosphere, and
it is difficult to remove from the atmosphere. Though there are other
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, carbon dioxide is present as the largest
component. This results in freak weather conditions on Earth, the only home you
and I have. These days newspapers are full of news on heat waves, flash floods,
droughts, species extinctions and so on. Maybe it has not occurred to you to
connect what we humans do here on Earth with the extreme weather conditions. It
was said that 2014 was the hottest year, but 2015 has been recorded as even
hotter, within a short span of one year! We cannot relocate to Mars, or
Jupiter, or Saturn, for that matter any other planet. We simply are not fitted
to live elsewhere, at least not yet.
In view of the
aforementioned trends on Earth, man has been pushed to find a way out before
perhaps the Earth collapses. Thought trending among environmentalists and
politicians is a replacement of “dirty” energy with clean energy. By dirty
energy I mean the processing of fossil fuel to generated energy, with
byproducts of greenhouse gases. Iceland and Norway derive all their electricity
from clean energy.
I have touched on
clean energy in the first paragraph. Now I want work on the resources that
generate it resource by resource, with relative comprehension. The
International Energy Agency 2014 Energy Outlook calculates growth of renewable
energy supply from 1700 gigawatts in 2014 to 4550 gigawatts in 2040.
Solar is that which
relates to the sun. The sun has always been the source of energy to the Earth.
Almost all energy used by humans is generated from the sun. But now earthlings
need to use it like we are using fossil fuel to generate energy. As already hinted
it is renewable and does not pollute the natural environment. So there will be
more than enough to tap from the sun to run our civilization sustainably, and
to keep a clean and balanced natural environment. In Accra, Ghana what is now
noticeable on the streets (some major roads) are solar panels on street lamp
posts and traffic light posts. Traffic lights and street lights are being
generated from energy harnessed from the sun.
Wind is moving air.
It is clean because when harnessed to produce energy it does not give emissions
like fossil fuel does. Large wind turbines are used to draw energy from the
wind. The Dutch has for a long time used windmill to draw energy from the wind.
Today, modern wind turbines are commonly used to get energy from the wind by
the Dutch. The use of wind energy is growing at the rate of 30% annually, with
installed capacity of 282,482 megawatts as at 2012.
Ghana gets a large
portion of its electricity from water, the Akosombo dam, and recently the Bui
dam. The water is gathered in a dam channeled into tubes with water turbines
turning the water to generate electricity. Water like the sun and wind does not
generate greenhouse gases when energy is being tapped from it. Rain, waves and
tides are also sources of clean energy.
Geothermal is a kind
of clean energy (heat) derived from the Earth. On a large scale geothermal
reservoirs could be used to drive generators and to produce electricity. On a
lesser scale it could be used in warming homes.
Let me end this way: man
has ridden on the back fossil fuel, more so from the industrial revolution,
many believe, to accomplish tremendous development in human history. But, at
what cost have they achieved the development?
My answer is it has been done at the cost of losing that very development
it has taken us so much to achieve. I am putting it that way because the use of
fossil fuel to get such accomplishment has resulted in climate change which is
threatening the suitability of the natural environment as habitation for life
forms. As a corrective measure man is
turning to clean energy in an attempt to create a sustainable clean and
balanced natural environment.
It behooves each and every
one of us to get on board.
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