I was watching a documentary on Aljazeera when a term came up. The term is invasive species. It was new to me. I knew the term endangered species. Right away it clicked in my mind that invasive species must be a cause of endangered species. Because of my passion for nature resulting in the running of this blog, I purposed to look into the subject to know the worst offenders. The end result is this post.
On hearing the phrase invasive species, again right away I started analyzing it. I took the first word first. Invasive is the adjectival form of invasion. The verb form invade means to enter a place and occupy it, harm people or inmates of the place, destroy property and drive the inmates away. Then I came to the second word species. That I thought was life form of a kind. When I put the two together, I get one life form of a kind from a habitat invading another life form of a kind in their habitat.
However, I should like us to get technical. Generally defined as a plant, animal or fungus from one habitat to another with the tendency to spread in the new habitat to the point of destroying the natural environment, human economy and human health.
There are variations of the definition though. They are as follows:
v  Invasive species are new species introduced to a new area where there were original species. The new species dominate the original species and their space, causing damage to the natural environment, upsetting the ecosystem, destroying biodiversity. Some invasive plant species are described as exotic pest plants or invasive exotics. This sense of the term is used by government organizations and conservation bodies such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The European Union describes Invasive Alien Species as those that are 1) outside their habitat, and 2) threaten biological diversity. They have customize the term by inserting the word alien. In Ghana, West Africa, water hyacinth is taking over some areas of the Volta River, upsetting aquatic life and depriving fishermen of their livelihood.
v  The term is used sometimes to mean an introduced species along with native species that have taken over an area.
v  Another sense of the term is an introduced species that has become widespread. It is not every introduced species that is harmful to the environment. The introduction of the cocoa tree in Ghana is an example.

There is another species that is quite different from the species described so far. They have developed far more sophisticated societies than animals. I am talking about the human species. Beavers do build dams, however when compared with dams built by men, there is a vast difference between the dam built by the animal and the one built by man. That should give you an illustration of the vast gap between human species and the animal species, much more the plant species.
Modern humans or Homo sapiens are believed to be the only surviving group of the human clade (biologically clade is a group of organisms considered to have evolved from a common ancestor- Collins English Dictionary), of which the family of the great ape is related to. They are characterize by erect postures, walk on two feet and have skills with the hands. They have inclination to use tools. Well that is the gospel according to evolution. If you believe in the creation, that is another ball game.
As I have said the human species is more sophisticated than the other species. The human species has the ability to think, reason and make decisions, and to be confronted with moral issues. If you argue that animals too do these things then let me put it this way: humans have the advantage of magnitude, take the beaver example, for example. I think animals are rather instinctual.
Through the foregoing processes the human species has become so creative. The human species has conceived, developed and structured education. Education is multidisciplinary and evolving. There is the general split of education into arts and science. The arts include music, art, literature, theater, languages etc. Science includes, space science, Earth science, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and the subject of ICT (Information Communication Technology). ICT has been shrinking the world in terms of communication. These are but few examples through which the Homo sapiens has made so much tremendous advancement in its civilization.
However, the achievement of such advancement by the Homo sapiens has left in its trail devastating consequences, making the Homo sapiens the most invasive species. I am going to look at the devastating consequences from three perspectives. The natural environment is basically parted into three. The three are atmosphere (air), water and earth (ground) - these three contain living things.
Fossil fuel is important for the Homo sapiens in attaining the development it has attained yet. Fossil fuel is a component of the inorganic part of the natural environment. Fossil fuel includes oil and coal. In the combustion of fossil fuel to generate energy for development, carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas is emitted into the atmosphere. It is believed that starting from the industrial revolution carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere cumulatively, is threatening the very survival of Homo sapiens themselves, and the natural environment at large. The carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere traps heat from the sun which increases atmospheric temperature in the lower atmosphere. The result is changes in weather and climate patterns the Earth is witnessing now.
In extracting oil from the ground for processing to meet the energy needs of the Homo sapiens in development, invasion occurs. There has been oil spillages, harming marine life forms, destroying ecosystems and biodiversity. Oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but because of the greenhouse carbon dioxide, temperature in the ocean increases upsetting habitats of certain marine life forms. Plastic has become permanent feature the civilization of Homo sapiens. When one goes to a shop to buy things they are served in plastic carrier bags. In Ghana, at instant food joints, food is served in plastic carrier bags. These plastic carrier bags somehow find their way into the ocean. Marine creatures swallow them up, creating digestive problems for them. Some plastic materials fall on the coral reef dislocating breeding grounds for marine life forms.
An area through which Homo sapiens is invading the natural environment is agriculture. The use of chemical fertilizer to grow crops kills life forms in the ground that help to keep the ground fertilized organically. The use of fertilizer result in diminishing returns. Another area of invasion is genetic modification of organisms, the result is Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). There are seeds that are genetically modified. With the genetically modified seed you plant once and that is it, you cannot use that which is harvested as seed, unlike the organically grown seed you get seed from the harvest for planting the next season. Through GMO, perhaps with time, the organic seed may disappear from the scene.  
I have tried to define the term invasive species, generally and in variations. Invasive species are plants, animals and humans. Generally, a species moves or are introduced from one habitat into another one and take over the new area, causing damage. Of all the invasive species, Homo sapiens is the most invasive. The very invasiveness of the Homo sapiens is threatening the foundations of its civilization.  
I suppose this should serve as an additional rallying cry to Homo sapiens to relook at its invasive methodologies of development and redirect its thought and energies into new and emerging methodologies for a clean and sustainable natural environment. 
