The natural environment encompasses all living and nonliving things occurring naturally on Earth or some region thereof. It is an environment that encompasses the interaction of all living species. The two main parts (living and nonliving things), are further divided into subparts. These parts form the basic structure of the environment. What I intend doing is to give an outline of the structure of the environment.
The two main parts constituting the environment
LIVING THINGS: They comprise of plants, animals, protist etc.
Plant is one of the living organisms which form the vegetable kingdom; a vegetable.
Animal is a living being characterized by sensation and motion (from Latin animal, a living being from anima, air, breath, life, the soul, and from a root an, to breathe or blow).
Protist is any
organism belonging to a large group, including bacteria, protozoans and fungi,
regarded as distinct from plants and animals. The group is usually now
restricted to protozoans, unicellular algae, and simple fungi(origin is 19th
century, from New Latin Protista, most primitive organisms, from Greek
protistos, the very first, from protos, first). However,
classification of living things (Taxonomy) has varied over time due to
advancement in microscopy and different viewpoints of individual researchers,
besides, research is ongoing.
Living things are things that are alive...they don't necessarily have to breathe or have hearts or brains. Living things are collections of cells and nerves that grow and develop over time.
earth’s crust-the hard outer cover
outer mantle-it follows the crust
inner mantle-it follows the outer mantle
outer core-it follows the inner mantle
inner core-it follows the outer core, and forms the center of the earth
Nitrogen -
Oxygen - 21%
and other inert gases, such as carbon dioxide
- 1%
Lithosphere - rock
Hydrosphere - water
Atmosphere - air
Biosphere - life
Living things are things that are alive...they don't necessarily have to breathe or have hearts or brains. Living things are collections of cells and nerves that grow and develop over time.
NONLIVING THINGS: They form the inanimate portion of the
environment. To my mind they compose the infrastructure of the environment-collectively
they support life on planet Earth.
Non-Living things are things that are not alive...that have
no life at all. Things that are not made up of cells or nerves and do not grow.
Science looks at
nonliving things from three broad perspectives as follows:
§ GEOLOGY-relates to ground, soil,
minerals, rock, etc.
§ HYDROLOGY-relates to water
§ ATMOSPHERE-relates air, radiation etc.
GEOLOGY: It is defined as the scientific study of the origin,
structure and composition of the earth. Current scientific knowledge divides
the earth into five layers:

The crust and the outer mantle together is called lithosphere.
HYDROLOGY: It is the scientific study of the earth’s water,
especially its movement in relation to land. Water bodies on earth are:

ATMOSPHERE: the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth.
The gases are:

Earth Science generally recognizes four sphere of the planet
Earth as follows:

In summation, the environment which encompasses all living
and nonliving things, basically comprises of two main parts- living things and
nonliving things. The two parts are split into subparts. These parts
interrelate and interact to generate a vibrant environment. Earth Science
generally recognizes four spheres of the environment- lithosphere, hydrosphere,
atmosphere and biosphere
The New Webster Dictionary (1965)
Collins English Dictionary-Desktop (2005)
Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary
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